chapter 30

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                  Dishaan's POV

When I stepped out wearing clothes, I saw that my love was sitting in front of the mirror applying something from a small bottle on her neck. Going closer I realised that She was trying to hide my love mark which I didn't like at all. I want her to carry my marks proudly, there is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide. So, I went to her and asked, taking the thing from her, "What are you doing?"

She looked at me bewildered and said softly, "I am hiding it."

Hearing this, I got angry. "What is the need to hide it?" I asked.

"I will be questioned by everyone if I go out like this," she said, lowering her gaze.

"What is the problem with going out like this?" I asked.

She remained silent. Then, I grabbed a tissue and wiped the cream off her neck.

"You look even more beautiful like this," I said, putting my chin on her head.

We looked at each other through the mirror for a while, and then she lowered her gaze. "Today, I will get you ready," I said, and she nodded, still looking down.

I took a comb and slowly and lovingly untangled her long beautiful  brown hair. Then, I tried to make braids as only I have the right to see her beautiful long hair open.

I tried to braid her hair, but I couldn't do it even after 4-5 attempts. I got frustrated and said, "This is so difficult."

She laughed at my childishness, and my heart melted at the sight of her. She never laughs in front of me, but today she did.

"This is a very easy task. Let me do it," she said, still laughing like crazy.

But I was stubborn and wanted to style her hair my way, so I refused her help and made my sixth attempt.

"If you keep doing this, we will have brunch instead of breakfast," she said, controlling her laughter.

I ignored her and continued to try, and finally, I succeeded. But to my bad luck, she laughed louder when she saw her hair. I glared at her through the mirror, and she pursed her lips, trying to control her laughter.

I then leaned down to be at her level, and without giving her a chance to think, I lowered myself on my knees and sat down. I met my lips with hers, and she remained still at my sudden action. I kissed her passionately, as if my life depended on it, and when I felt satisfied, I left her lips, not before biting her lower lip hard. She gasped for air, as did I.

Then I stood up and went to get her footwear. I came back with a pair of flat black sandals. I sat down.

I took her foot and placed it on my thighs. She protested, saying, "Professor, I can wear it by myself, please." But my eyes were enough to stop her from protesting.

Then I kissed her foot sole and her toe gently. She close her eyes,I don't know where this urge to kiss her foot came from because I never touched anyone's feet except Ammi . But this little wife of mine made me kiss her foot.

I put the sandal on one foot and kissed it gently, and then I did the same with the other foot. I sat there, looking at her, with one of her feet still on my thighs, and her eyes still closed. After admiring her for a while, I said, "Open your eyes, Jaan."

As I said that, she slowly opened her eyes and, seeing her foot on my thighs, she tried to remove it. But I held her foot and said, "Why are you trying to remove it?"

"Professor, your jeans will get dirty," she said, innocently looking into my eyes.

"I don't have a problem with that," I said, smiling.

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