chapter 38

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Anam's POV

Shaan fell asleep, but I couldn't sleep due to the pain in my legs. However, I stayed still as I didn't want to wake him up.

Something is wrong; he never behaved the way he did today.

I traced my finger on his face, and his nose was still bleeding, which is a matter of concern.

His beard was scratching my bare skin, but I'm okay with that. He always sleeps like this, like a baby.

While playing with his hair, my gaze was drawn to my belly where he was unknowingly embracing our baby.

Playing with his hair, I don't know when sleep overcame me.

When I woke up, Shaan was sleeping soundly beside me. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, without any worries, trauma, or panic attacks. His nose had also stopped bleeding.

I ran my fingers over his face and delicately placed a soft kiss on his forehead. However, I regretted my action the very next second because it woke him up.

His big hazel eyes were staring at me with unknown emotions. He lifted his hand and gently tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

He started leaving kisses on my lips, cheeks, shoulder blade, and neck. But before he could go further, I had to stop him because today was the first day of college after the vacation. The new semester was starting, and I didn't want to be late just because my husband was being romantic early in the morning, nor did I want to walk awkwardly.

"Shaan, stop. I'll be late," I protested.

He nuzzled his face into my neck, inhaling my scent.

"Where are you going this early?" he said in a morning voice.



"Why? It's the first day of the semester, Shaan. I can't miss it."

"Your foot. I can't let you go in this condition."

"I can walk easily. It's not hurting that much. Please let me go."

"No, you can't."


"Jaan, you will not go anywhere today. We will both start going to college when your foot heals."


"Don't you forget, I am your professor, Little Peace," I blushed and gave up because he is more stubborn than me.

At that moment, I realized that I couldn't tell him about my pregnancy, not now. If he knew that he was going to be a father, he would make me rest and my semester would be ruined. It was better to keep quiet for now.

I am not selfish, but I am not weak either. I can handle my pregnancy and studies together. Many women do it.

"What about the morning make-out?" he said, licking my neck.

"No... I'm sore there, please," I protested.

"It's okay. I'll be gentle," he said.

He entered me without giving me a chance to say anything else, and I groaned in pain.

Why did he has to be so big? Even after having him so many times, it's still painful to accommodate his size.

"I hate you," I said, crying and punching his broad chest with my fist.

He chuckled and pulled me into a hungry, passionate kiss, as if I were his last meal.

As we kissed, the pain in my lower region started to reduce and was replaced with pleasure.

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