chapter 44

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Dishaan's pov

"You're in Florence (City in Italy) and you didn't even tell me?" Dominico shouted on the phone.

"Sorry, everything happened so quickly that it slipped my mind. By the way, I'm looking for work. If you know of any job opportunities, let me know." I said calmly

"Listen, let's meet tonight at the cafe near the lake. We can discuss something "he mentioned.

"Okay, let's meet then." I hung up after saying so.

Dominico is a good friend of mine. He always stands by me.


When I arrived there, Dom was already waiting for me outside the cafe.

"Ah... My brother,"he came to me and hugged me tightly.

I also gave him a brotherly hug.

"How are you?" He said, looking at me with a frown.

"I'm good, how about you?"I can see his concern about my limping leg, but I choose to avoid it.

"And why did you choose this cafe?"I asked him teasingly.

"Come inside, I'll tell you. And listen, Leyla's friend is also coming with her. She was telling me that her friend is the sister of a big don, she recently became the head of the Italian cartel."he said excitedly

My heart stopped for a moment upon hearing "don's sister," but maybe I'm just thinking that way because I'm eager to see my Anam. So I didn't pay much attention to what he said, because I know he's crazy about Leyla, he's not like other Italian men.

We went inside and sat at the booked table, and started talking.

Then Dom's phone rang.

"Bro, it's Leyla's call, looks like she arrived. You sit, I'll go get her."

I nodded.

He picked up the phone and went outside.

As soon as he left, I looked around the cafe. It was crowded, some girls were looking at me, trying to start a conversation,  and passing a sluttry look, because these are Italian people, they choose good times over good people, just for one night of pleasure.

But I am least interested in them. No one can compare to my wife, these girls are not even close to her nails, in any sense.

I took out my phone and started looking at Anam's picture, as if I got lost in her beauty and innocence.

"Bro?" I heard Dom's voice and snapped out of my thoughts about Anam.

And when I looked towards him, I couldn't believe my eyes, as if I was seeing a dream.

She is Standing next to Leyla, my life was standing, in a full-sleeved black dress, with her hair open, and as always, she didn't wear much makeup. She looked beautiful with her fair skin in black clothes.

"No... You must be dreaming, Shaan. She can't be here," I thought to myself, but reality hit when Leyla said teasingly,

"Hey? Did you get lost in my friend's beauty all at once?"

Dom cleared his throat as a warning.

"Come on, Leyla, stop teasing him. He's just shocked to see a Turkish beauty with an Italian one."he said with a grin

Anam chuckled lightly at his statement, which made my heart happy. I've been craving for this smile, this face, and after 2 months, she is standing in front of me, in the most unexpected place, with the most unexpected people.

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