chapter 22

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After reaching Malik Villa, when Dishaan tried to find his phone, he realized that he had left it in his chamber.

"My phone may have been left in my chamber. You go inside, I'll get the phone," he said while kissing Anam's forehead.

Anam nodded and got out of the car, heading towards the villa.

As soon as she entered, she heard some noises coming from the living area and went to see what was happening. But what she saw in front of her left her stunned.

Emir was sitting on the sofa, sipping his tea, while Shanaya sat beside him.

Before she could say anything, Shanaya exclaimed, "Look who's here, Anam has arrived from college!"

Emir looked towards Anam and kept staring at her. He stood up from his place and said,

Anam, aşkım, ne kadar seni beklediğimi söyleyemem," dedi.

"Emir, sen aniden burada mısın?" diye şaşırmış bir şekilde sordu.

Shanaya couldn't understand their conversation because they were speaking in Turkish.

"Evet, buradayım. Beni aramalarına cevap vermediğin için başka seçeneğim yoktu, gelmek zorunda kaldım," dedi.

"(Anam, my love, how long I've been waiting for you," he said.

"Emir, you're suddenly here?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm here. You weren't answering my calls, so I had no other option but to come here," he said.

"I'll go change, you sit here," Anam said, heading towards her room.)

As soon as she reached her room, she removed her scarf and placed it on the bed. Standing in front of the mirror, she looked at herself.

She noticed love bites on her neck and chest, which made her blush.

Just then, the door opened and Emir entered.

Seeing Anam's state, he understood the reason behind it.

"Emir, you're here. I was just changing," Anam said, raising her hand towards her scarf.

Emir then grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

Anam flinched at his actions and tried to pull her hand back, asking, "What are you doing, Emir?"

Emir looked at her with angry eyes and then ran his finger over her love bites.

Anam flinched and closed her eyes.

"This is a Mark of that bastard's love, isn't it?" Emir said, twirling his finger on her love bite.

Anam looked at him angrily and said, "He's my husband, how dare you call him a bastard?" Anam said, trying to contain herself in anger.

Emir got angry at Anam's words, he grabbed her hair and pulled, causing her to scream, "Husband? Huh? Are you feeling so bad for that worthless man? My love, my passion has no value in front of you," he said in anger.

"Emir, it hurts me. Let go of my hair," she tried to free herself, but he grabbed her even harder.

"Answer me, Anam. My love has no value in front of you?" he asked.

"In college," Dishaan went to his chamber and picked up his phone from the table, then his attention went to the sofa, and he smiled, remembering what had happened earlier.

He came out of the chamber with a smile, and Rehan stopped him, "Professor Malik, I heard from the students that you are giving tuition. I also want to join because of the change in the syllabus," he requested.

Dishaan was going to refuse, but he didn't want to bring his love and profession into conflict, so he accepted Rehan's request and said, "You'll get the address from Randhawa Sir at 5 pm."

Rehan thanked him with joy.

Dishaan was heading towards his car when his phone rang. He took out his phone from his pocket and saw Abraham's call. He quickly answered and said, "Hello, brother."

"Where is Anam at the moment?" Abraham asked, sounding worried.

"Anam is at home, brother. Why, what happened?" Dishaan asked.

"Where are you, Dishaan?" Abraham asked, getting angry.

"I'm in college, brother. Why are you so worried?" he asked.

"Go to Anam quickly, Emir is in Lucknow. I'm leaving the airport now. You go home quickly," he ordered and hung up.

Dishaan clenched his fist in anger and quickly went to his car.


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