chapter 45

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Anam's pov

I sighed in defeat and walked out of the cafe without sparing a single glance at them.

"Why do you have to be so dramatic, Leyla?" I thought to myself. "You call me immature at just 18, but it seems like you're the one behaving like an immature teenager."

As I turned to my right, I felt someone's presence beside me, and there stood Dishaan.

"Shall we go?" he asked.

I wanted to say no, but my feminine side had been yearning for his presence for almost two months. Now that he was right in front of me, how could I possibly refuse?

So I nodded.

But before we could start walking towards Dominico's car, he grabbed hold of my hand. I looked into his eyes and tried to free myself from his grip, but he tightened it slightly, causing no pain.

"Let go of my hand," I emphasized each word, but he ignored my words and continued walking with me, holding my hand.

His indifference made me angry.

"I said let go of my hand!" I shouted, but he didn't flinch and kept walking towards the car.

I don't know why, but his touch still brings me peace, as if he has a right to every part of my being.

So I stopped protesting, glanced at him, and when my eyes fell on his walking frame, I noticed he was limping.

He was in pain, and my heart swelled with the memory that my beloved brother was responsible for this.

My brother had caused him this pain, those sounds of bullets, his painful groans in my lap when the bullets pierced his skin. I remembered that day as if it were yesterday.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw the toughest man I had ever met walking with difficulty, walking in pain.

I didn't hold back my tears, I let them fall.

We entered the car in complete silence; none of us spoke a word.

But then I broke the silence when I noticed a different route that didn't lead to my place. He didn't even ask for my address.

"We are going in the wrong direction, this road doesn't lead to my house," I said calmly.

But it seemed like my words fell on deaf ears. He continued driving towards his own destination. I didn't protest; I was too tired for all of this. I have been going through all of this for the past few months, and now I want it to stop. I can't bear it anymore, so I remained quiet.

I looked out of the window, and the cool breeze brought me some solace. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt his hand on mine. He intertwined our fingers. I turned to him, only to see him looking at me. His features relaxed, and he looked even more handsome in his black shirt. His hair seemed a little longer, and his beard had grown. It seemed like he hadn't shaved or cut his hair in the past few months, but he still managed to look breathtaking. His hazel-green eyes gazed deeply into mine, and his gaze warmed my body. I didn't know if it was my pregnancy hormones or my own thoughts.

Fortunately, we were driving on a road with no traffic, or else we would have definitely had an accident.

After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of an old building, an ancient house with Italian architecture.

We got out of the car, and in irritation, I said, "Why have you brought me here? To rape me again? To punish me for sleeping with Rehan?" I don't know why I said this, but my pregnancy hormones mixed with my anger from the past two months. I couldn't help it.

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