chapter 51

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Dishaan's pov

I'm not sure what Anam and Mom talked about, but Mom seemed fine with me all day.

Anam went shopping with Shanaya and Shreya, although by looking at her expression, I knew she was very tired and didn't want to go. But she went anyway because of Shreya and Shanaya's insistence.

After dinner, I went to my room quickly because my feet were hurting badly.

Anam still hadn't come home; she had gone to Sarah's house from the shopping mall.

As soon as I entered my room, I took a long, hot shower, hoping it would relieve the pain. But I was wrong; the pain in my legs was getting worse.

I mustered the strength to get up and go towards my bag to get some medicine when suddenly, the door of the room opened, and Anam entered looking exhausted.

"Shaan, I'm sleeping in Shanaya's room tonight," she said in a tired tone.

"Alright," I replied with a nod and started searching for the medicine in my bag.

"Shaan? Are your legs hurting?" Anam asked with concern as she came closer.

"Just a little. I'll be fine once I take the medicine," I replied and went to get some water.

"What do you mean 'a little pain,' Shaan?"

I mean this pain often occurs, it's not a big deal, I'll be fine after taking medicine. While explaining it to Anam, I said,

"Shaan, please sit here," she gestured to the couch, taking the medicine packet from my hand.

I took a deep breath and sat down in silence; I didn't have the strength to argue.

She gave me a glass of water and placed a pill in my palm, as if I were a child. Without saying anything, I took the medicine and lay down on the couch, closing my eyes. I don't need to appear strong in front of Anam because she herself is my most beautiful weakness.

After a moment of silence, I felt something in my legs, so I opened my eyes, and it was as if I had been transformed.

Anam was sitting on the floor by my feet. Her hair was loosely tied up, and she was wearing a simple green silk nightdress that made her fair skin glow even more. After admiring her for a while, my attention shifted to the pain relief oil she had.

She was delicately raising my night pants with her soft hands, making me feel like a prince. Abraham Ahmad's sister, princess of his kingdom ,who is herself an excellent Mafia soldier also , was touching the feet of an ordinary man like me. This was beyond my tolerance.

I quickly pulled my legs back, and she looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"Sorry, Shaan, I didn't mean to disturb you," she said gently and with concern.

"What are you doing, Anam?" I asked, unable to hide my anger.

"I'm giving you a massage," she replied calmly and continued to pull up my left leg's pant leg.

"There's no need for this; I've taken the medicine. This time I applied a strong force and lowered my pants."

"Of course, there's a need," she said angrily, looking at my trembling legs.

"No, there isn't," I said, shaking my head.

"Shaan, don't be stubborn. Let me massage your legs; the pain will reduce faster. The medicine takes a few hours to work," she said with concern.

"No, Anam, you don't look good at my feet. I won't allow this injustice to myself," I said helplessly. My leg pain had reached unbearable levels.

"Shaan, don't make me angry. Let me massage your legs; the pain will go away faster. I'll be gentle," she said.

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