chapter 42

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Authors pov

"It's all part of my plan to get revenge," she cried, addressing Abraham.

Everyone looked at her with questioning eyes.

"If you're trying to save him, then it won't work, Daneen," Abraham said, shooting Dishaan in his other thigh.

She rushed to him instantly.

"Listen, Abraham, don't kill my nephew. It's all my fault. I was so blind in my jealousy and rage that I ruined him," she said.

"It's my doing, Abraham. I thought you still loved me and that the marriage with Sunidhi was just for convenience. But when I found out about Sunidhi's pregnancy, I shattered into pieces, Abraham. The realization that your marriage is real and she is carrying your child drives me insane," she sobbed.

"I wanted to hurt you, but I knew that nothing would hurt more than seeing Anam shattered," she sobbed.

Everyone listened to her without blinking.

"I showed Dishaan some fake intimate pictures of Anam with her classmate at the same time. I gave him drugs disguised as painkillers to turn him into a monster," she continued.

"She is the reason for all my sorrow, Abraham. She is the reason for our divorce. She is the reason for everything," she cried.

"I wish Anam had died with her parents that day," she cried.

Anam's heart shattered upon hearing Daneen's venomous words.

"Daneen..." Abraham raised his hand to slap her but stopped.

"How could you, Daneen? How could you do this to your own nephew?" Khirat shook with anger.

"Bhabi..." she whispered.

"Cemal..." Abraham shouted.

"Call Rana. We will return home today and throw this wretched man in front of a any hospital," he said, grabbing hold of Anam as Dishaan's upper body fell to the floor.

Cemal lifted him onto his shoulder and rushed to the hospital.

"Bhai..." she said tearfully.

"Abraham, please don't take Anam away from here. She is the life of this house, and she carries a part of Dishaan in her womb," Khirat begged him.

Sunidhi held Khirat's crying form to support her.

"Please, Abraham. My son will die without Anam. He loves her," she begged, crying.

"Your son's love has given nothing but disgrace and suffering to my sister, Khirat. Just like Daneen's love disgraced and hurt me. The same has happened to my sister," he said with a heavy, tearful voice.

"Please, Abraham, don't accuse me of such things. I never wanted to disgrace you. I never wanted to hurt you," she cried.

Anam was in her brother's embrace, thanking Allah for helping her. She believed that Dishaan would be fine; the doctor would heal his injury.

"Please, Abraham, don't take Anam away from here," Khirat begged.

"Why shouldn't I take her, Khirat? Even after seeing the terrible condition of my sister, should I leave her here to die?" he said firmly.

Khirat didn't answer him as her words stuck in her throat. He was right.

He started walking when Daneen's voice stopped him.

"Won't you punish me? Anam has been ruined because of me. Are you leaving without saying a word, Abraham?" she asked, crying.

"What is there to say, Daneen? If you were alive, I would have emptied all the bullets from my gun into your heart, the heart that is filled with so much poison for my little sister. You didn't even think that she is pregnant," he turned to her.

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