The Origins of (Y/n)

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You awoke to loud bangs and crashes. Screeches and grunts soared through your living room. 

You were terrified. 

Intruders you thought. 

With that, you got out of your bed and quietly crept out of your room, hopeful you'd find one of your parents to protect you from whatever was happening. What you saw next, however, was not in the slightest bit what you had ever expected.

Your living room was in pieces, the furniture torn. Or was it burnt? Shattered glass from the windows lined the floor. There were no lights on, only the moon beaming in through the cracks of your house that were now exposed through ripped curtains and broken walls. 

But there was light.

A bright orange glow stole your attention as you peered from behind the archway of the hall, careful not to be seen. These rings and shapes were magnificent, unlike anything you had ever seen. Strange symbols and unfamiliar markings glowed in font of you. Sparks and light flew around the house. But there, in the middle of it all, were your parents. 

Unbeknown to you, they were the source of the sparks, of the magic

And they were fighting.

The orange glow illuminated their battleground. Large dark creatures swung limbs in the hopes of landing a strike at the two fighters. These creatures were terrifying. An amass of black blobs looked like something out of a cartoon, but the longer you stared, the more you realised they were real. Not gooey or slimy like you assumed. But they were solid. Smashing through walls and whatever furniture was left while your parents dodged and threw spell after spell at these monsters.

"You need to get to (Y/n)! Get her out of here! Now!" (Y/f/n) yelled as he conjured a large disk made of rings just above his head to prevent the heavy arm from landing on him. Using his other hand to conjure a whip, he grabbed the creature's legs, pulling it out from under itself.

"And leave you here to deal with these 'Mindless Ones' all by yourself?" (Y/m/n) replied, almost sarcastically. You'd have thought she was laughing if she wasn't fighting for her life. 

Suddenly, a voice boomed through the house.

"Surrender to me. Surrender to the darkness," it growled. 

Where was it coming from? Who was even saying that? 

The creatures surrounded your parents who, back to back, both had shields up in defense.

"Never!" Your father spat, just as your mother sent a spell toward an advancing monster.

"So be it. Enjoy your fate." The voice howled before the creatures all moved in to attack.

As you watched, you noticed two more bodies. But they were lifeless. Sprawled on the floor. Dead. Your eyes grew wide at the realisation, trying your best to hold back a scream.

At that moment, you were unaware of another creature; its attention now turned away from your parents and onto you. Up until now, you hadn't paid attention to their face. Your focus on the glowing magic calmed you despite the violent scene. 

But now you had. And they had no face. 

What was that? 

No features lined their heads, only a slit across where their eyes should be, glowing red. There were no pupils or anything to indicate that it was looking at you, but it stared into your soul. 

It felt your fear, it could taste it. 

An easy target.

As it crawled to you, you couldn't help but scream as you fell backward..

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