Chapter-1: The second hello

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It was just another school day for everyone else at ADOR International High School but not for Kim Minji. She has never felt this excited to go to school ever before and it is already her second year in the same school! Her best friend, Danielle Marsh is transferring to her school today. She got ready for school earlier than usual and set off without even having her breakfast and also forgetting her school sweater. It pissed off Hyein because she had to carry the forgotten sweater and breakfast for her stepsister to school.

The weather starts cooling off as it's almost October and everyone has changed to their fall uniform. Minji was forced to remember her forgotten sweater when she hit the road as she felt the cool breeze greeting her face but she wouldn't waste any time to go back home and get it. She thought about asking Hyein to bring it for her but decided not to, thinking she'll just wear her track jacket if it gets colder. There weren't many students on the road as it was quite early. Minji waited for Danielle at the school gate since Danielle texted her earlier saying she'd be there in 5 minutes.

She was walking to and fro trying to keep the cold away when a black SUV car stopped in front of the school gate, Minji stopped to watch at the car and was super excited when Danielle came out of it. She ran up and squeezed Danielle into a bone crushing hug. It's been so long since the last time they saw each other. They bid goodbye to Mr Jerry, Danielle's driver and personal bodyguard and went inside the school hand in hand.

Minji showed her the basketball court, the canteen, the restroom, and finally their classroom. She then took her to the teacher's room and left  her with Mr Moon, their homeroom teacher with whom Danielle needed to go to the Principal's office to finish the formalities.

Minji returned to her class and sat at her usual desk which is the last bench of the middle row. She was talking with some of her classmates when Hyein, Haerin and Hanni walk in the class. Her eyes landed on Hanni and the sweet smile that adorned the girl's face captivated her like the very first time she ever laid her eyes on her. But she quickly looked at her younger sister when she scoffed at her. They sit to the left row of Minji.

Hyein came over to Minji's desk and put down the breakfast she brought for her angrily on the desk and threw the sweater over Minji's head. Minji just laughed at the act and thanked her while fixing her hair. She throws the sweater in and starts eating like she was offered food after starving for 3 days.

"Are you that hungry!? Slow down! And where's your friend?" Asked Hyein.
"Busy with the formalities, she'll come with Mr Moon." Minji replied with her mouth still full, Hyein scrunched at her then nodded and went back to her seat immediately engaging in a conversation with her friends.

Minji looked at her and remembered how they were only 10 years old when they became a family. They have known each other since birth though. They lived together, as a family, for one year in Canada before their parents decided to move back and settle in Korea for good. Back in the days, Hyein's mom and her sister set up a day care center while she was on her maternity leave, taking care of Hyein and many other children. Minji was one of the children that's how she came to know Hyein and her mom and be a part of each other's life. Her mom died while giving birth to her and it was a time when her dad had to work hard to secure his place in the business world.

Minji stayed behind in Canada for 3 years because she got selected to her dream school and would be playing basketball for the school's team. But she came back to Korea in the last year of middle school because she decided to be with her family.

It was awkward between her and Hyein at first when their parents got married but it was easy for her to accept them as family because she had known them since forever and Ms Lee Da Mi, Hyein's mom is the closest figure to a mom for her. Hyein took a little longer though, she didn't have any male figures in her life before Minji's dad came along. And Mr Kim Ji woo was a tall and muscular man with a face befitting to be a male lead in a romantic movie, but, his physique scared little Hyein! He had to use his charms to win her over. The man she once scared of became the very definition of security to Hyein now.

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