Chapter 30: Ending

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Danielle's parents were there in Korea after receiving their youngest daughter's message. They came in haste, to meet Haerin. Danielle had no idea about it. She and Minji decided to play Street basketball one last time with the guys they used to play with before. They have never played outside in such cold weather but it was a farewell game for Minji and Danielle so they readily agreed. They spent hours playing and then took pictures and videos for keepsakes.

Minji and Danielle rode back their bikes through Hanni's street. They always did that so Minji might run into Hanni and most of the time they didn't. So they always end up stopping by the cafe for coffee or chocolate milk to see if Hanni was there. That day, Hanni and her mom were exiting their gate when Danielle and Minji came across Hanni's house. They said they are going to walk to the Walmart and Hanni asked Danielle what her parents were doing in Haerin's house. She said she had seen them going inside Haerin's house earlier. Danielle abruptly turned her bike and rode off towards Haerin's house.

Danielle rang the doorbell repeatedly and it was Haerin who let her in. Danielle dashed to the living room without even greeting Haerin.

"Oh! Danielle, were you playing basketball?" Danielle's mom was the first to speak up but she got no response.
"Dani baby, we're almost done here." She added trying to calm her youngest daughter.

"Why are you here?" Danielle asked looking at both of her parents.

"We are here to discuss the scholarship plan for Haerin and other things.." Danielle's dad told his furious looking daughter.

Haerin was there in the living room by then, Danielle frustratedly wiped her brows not knowing what to say.

"Danielle, here, come sit down." Haerin's mom offered Danielle a seat next to Haerin and Danielle hesitantly took it after a brief bow towards Haerin's parents showing her respect.

"Your Dad here is offering me a job as an accountant to the company's bank. And as a senior accountant my lodgings and accommodations would be covered by the company and at the same time Haerin student Law in the University of Cambridge." Haerin's mom briefs Danielle about their discussion.

"It is a mouth watering offer, my child. I say we take it. But Haerin.." Haerin's dad was telling Danielle and Haerin interrupted.

"Dad.. " Haerin called her Dad but got the attention of everyone in the room. She shook her head to her Dad and her dad nodded in understanding.

"I get it Uncle. We've been through this.." Danielle responded very politely, and took a glance towards Haerin.

"But Dani what about you.." Danielle's dad started arguing his point but Danielle interrupted,

"Thanks for looking out for me, Daddy. And I'm sorry mom, for always worrying you... I was just a child and, everything I ever treasured came crumbling down, like a sand castle before my eyes. I have been unreasonable because I was grieving. But I'm over it mom. I told you dad, I'll come around. I'm ready now. I promise, I'll behave. Can we please go home now?" Danielle begged her parents.

Her mom was crying when Danielle went to hug her. She couldn't persuade Haerin to come with her but she persuaded her parents. She was able to do it because they're her family and they stand by her. Not Haerin.

Danielle bowed 90° to Haerin's parents bidding them goodbye and only a brief eye contact with Haerin before leaving. But Danielle's dad shook hands with Haerin's dad and both her mom and dad squeezed Haerin into a hug before leaving.

It was already dark when Danielle and her parents reached their hotel. They would spend the night there and leave tomorrow around noon. Danielle decided to spend the night at Minji's as it would be her last night in Korea.

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