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It had been a week since the defeat of the Great Devourer, and the ninja were busy cleaning up Ninjago City together. "Finally, all fixed up and Serpentine-free," Cole said as he fixed a street sign that had been knocked over during the battle. Jay and [Y/N] helped him carry the weight of the sign.

"Ugh, this is frustrating," Kai groaned while attempting to use his firepower, only managing to create a small spark of fire. The street sign wobbled unbalanced as Kai vented his frustration. "Aah!" [Y/N], Cole, and Jay shrieked. Zane quickly crouched down, using a blowtorch to seal the sign back onto its stand. Kai continued his rant, "I just feel so, I don't know, limited. Thanks to the Devourer, our tank's out of commission, our Dragon's hurt, and now the Bounty is destroyed. We don't even have a place to sleep," he said.

"No one ever said being a hero is easy," Zane told Kai, taking off his welding mask. "Though our good deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways," he explained. "Yeah, well, I don't feel rich," Kai sighed.

"I, for one, enjoy pitching in. I've always wanted to feel part of a community. Uh, speaking of which, has anyone seen Nya? She said she was gonna help," Jay asked before Nya arrived on her new motorbike, with Wu also seated on the bike. "Sweet ride," [Y/N] complimented her. "Oh yeah, wanna go on a ride with me sometime, dear?" Nya flirted. "You better believe I do," [Y/N] shot back. "Are we just going to ignore the romantic tension between those two?" Cole whispered to Jay.

"Anyways, I may have found us a place to live," Nya announced. "Really? But there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago City. How did you do that?" Jay interrogated. "I know a guy who knows a girl, and she knows this girl who knows a guy. Well, this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent, and she can help you find a place if you catch my drift," she mentioned, handing Jay a little pamphlet.

"And where are you two off to?" [Y/N] asked. "We have to find a couple of components to fix the ninja tank, and my dragon ointment has finally arrived. It's a day's trip, but once we get back, he'll be flying again. Also, I love scenic drives. Haha, punch it, Nya!" Wu bossed. "Ay ay, Sensei," she replied, and the two drove away.

Jay then began to read the pamphlet "Patty Keys, Real Estate Queen." "Huh, this is exactly what we need. Once we get a roof over our head, we can start properly training Lloyd," Jay started. "Good, 'cause if we know Lord Garmadon, he's not going to be taking any breaks. And let's not forget, the Serpentine is still at large," Cole said.

Afterward, the ninja traveled together to the supposed new apartment. The owner, Patty Keys, showed them into the building.

"This one-bedroom, one-half bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extras when everything is in arms reach," she said, leading them into a run-down apartment.

"Uh, why do I smell old people?" Lloyd questioned, and [Y/N] laughed. "Literally," she joked, making Patty Keys' eyes twitch in anger. "Look, doll, I'm trying to work around your budget. This is all you can afford," she told them.

"This looks promising," Cole spoke out, "Remember, guys, what Sensei told us; our main objective is to train Lloyd, not kick our feet up in some swanky suite. If this is all we can afford, this is all we can afford," Cole ranted.

"Woah, woah, woah, let's not rush into any decision," Jay yelled. "I mean, if it's all about Lloyd, don't we need to live in some place that'll make training easier?" he asked.

"Yeah, Jay's right," Kai joined, "If we have to get Lloyd ready to save Ninjago from his father, shouldn't he at least have his own room?" Kai interrogated. "I do have another property that you'll just love," Patty butted in, before leading them out of the room. The ninja then stepped into an elevator that brought them to another floor.

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 lego ninjago Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum