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This chapter is so dry omfg

Ronin, [Y/N], [M/N], Misako, and Nya all worked together trying contact with the team

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Ronin, [Y/N], [M/N], Misako, and Nya all worked
together trying contact with the team. "We're almost to the Tomb of the first Spinjitzu master," Jay stated inside R.E.X underwater heading to the tomb with Kai, Zane, and Cole. "Yeah. Can't believe we're almost there after all we've been through." Cole mentioned.

"I can't believe I'm underwater," Kai uttered. "You? What about me? Just how thick is this glass?" Cole taped on the glass a couple of times.

Finally, Wu got in contact with the ninja, appearing on the front screen of the ship. "We're heading to your location now. With Morro already ahead of you and able to foresee the traps protecting the tomb with the Sword of Sanctuary, it's going to be up to you four to find the Realm Crystal before he does." Wu explained.

"Hehe, Cole's a Ghost, Kai can't swim, [Y/N]'s is not with us, and we have no magical sword or Elemental Powers." Jay laughed nervously. "Aww, I'm flattered you miss me blue Jay." [Y/N] joked spinning in a chair.

"I may not know the three tests you're about to face, but I discovered a riddle that makes reference to it that may help: A Spinjitzu Master can. A Spinjitzu Master cannot. To move forward, don't look ahead, to find his resting spot." Misako took a scroll, and read it to the team.

Nya who was steering the Bounty landed it above where the tomb is located, on water.

"These are the coordinates Ronin's ship had directed them to," Misako stated. "Yep," Ronin confirmed. "Then the tomb is right below here," Misako added. Nya gasped when she caught sight of Soul Arched looking at them.

"They know we're here. Should I arm the cannons?" Nya asked. "No. Getting into unnecessary battles only distracts us from preparing for the necessary ones still ahead. We wait, but just in case, how is your water training coming?" Wu questioned.

"Uh, who knows? I can move water but it's not like I can control it. Whatever." Nya shrugged walking over to [Y/N], Ronin, and [M/N].

Wu turned to Misako. "Whatever?" Ronin's indifference is rubbing off on her." Wu remarked.

Misako responded with empathy. "That girl has always placed too much burden on herself. If she's making progress with manipulating water, then perhaps it's working," she shared, her voice filled with understanding.

As they continued their journey, Misako gazed out into the distance, her eyes searching for the Ghosts' ship. "Why are they taking so long? Their ship disappeared behind that rock five minutes ago, but it hasn't emerged yet," she admitted.

"Raise the sails immediately!" Wu commanded, as the Ghosts' began to rapidly approach them, closing in on their position.

Soul Archer, unleashed an arrow from his bow, a green aura surrounding it as it spun menacingly toward their vessel. Nya, using her elemental powers to, summon a protective water wall to intercept the arrow's path, saving the Bounty. [M/N] leaped backward, avoiding the cascading water.

"Wow, Nya, that was amazing!" [Y/N] exclaimed, Nya blushed, faltered by the compliment from the girl she loved.

"Hurry, Misako! I told you to raise the sails!" Wu yelled urgently. But Instead of Misako responding a ghost did, Bansha. "Not Misako, only Bansha!" she hissed.

Nya, used her elemental powers once again, making another watery barrier, protecting their ship from arrows. [Y/N] joined Wu fighting Bansha, assisting him by delivering a swift kick to Misako's possessed body. "I can't keep this up!" Nya yelled grunting as she held the water up, [M/N] inside the ship avoiding the water.

"Bansha has taken control of her, and I can't remember how to break the spell," Wu huffed.

Nya turned around, using a powerful jet of water to splash Bansha, the ghost un-possessing Misako. "How's this for a refresher?" Nya teased.

Wu placed his hand on Misako's shoulder. "Uh, what just happened?" Misako asked confused water dripping off her clothing. "You were possessed by Bansha," [Y/N] answered.

Ronin approached the group. "Morro is going to be so pissed when he learns we escaped," he remarked, a smirk on his face. [Y/N] chuckled. "Yep," she replied.

There was tension in the air before Morro emerged from the tomb, the Realm Crystal in hand. [Y/N] grabbed Ronin by the back of his shirt pulling him down, ducking so that the ghost would not see them.

Meanwhile, Morro glared at the ship he used to get to the tomb, the ship sinking, already halfway in the water. "Ugh! Must I do everything myself?" Morro growled irritated, before

"You have the Realm Crystal. Let's get out of here." Soul Archer stated and Morro used the Cristal to travel to another realm, escaping.

"They took the Realm Crystal." Nya expressed sadly. "Yeah but what about the others?" [Y/N] asked and Wu sighed.

Nya's looked out in the distance, her eyes widening when she spotted the team. "Look! There they are!" she exclaimed, Lloyd, accompanied by the rest of their teammates. "They made it! All right!" [Y/N] cheered, Nya running to the weel, steering the ship toward their friends.

The rest of the team boarded the Bounty. And [Y/N] ran and hugged them all. "My son, they've saved him!" Misako beamed.

"Yes, they certainly did," Wu replied. As [Y/N] released their teammates from the embrace, they stepped back smiling.

"You all sacrificed so much to save me," Lloyd expressed. Kai ruffled Lloyd's blond hair. "Heh, I promised to look after you, didn't I?" he reminded him, the green ninja smiling, the smile dropping a second later.

"But now Ninjago is going to be cursed," he sighed. [Y/N] shrugged. "Eh, who cares? We have you now," she reassured Lloyd.

"And we have our powers back," Zane stated, "We do?" [Y/N] questioned manipulating a shadow of the ground,. "Yes, we do!" [Y/N] cheered.

"As you get stronger, so will we. And they haven't even seen us at full strength," Cole proclaimed.

[Y/N] had an announcement to make. A mischievous smile played on her face as she declared, "Guys, wait! I want to introduce you to someone."

"Who?" Jay asked.

[Y/N] revealed the ghostly form of [M/N] standing beside herself. "My mother!" She exclaimed. The team looked shocked.

[M/N], wearing a gentle smile, extended a warm greeting to the team. "Hey there. [Y/N] has told me all about you guys," she said. Jay's eyes widened, "What did [Y/N] say? Was it bad?" He questioned. "Nope, not at all." [M/N] answered and the blue ninja sighed in relief.

"Wait, you're the lady who tried to help me escape," Lloyd chimed. "I didn't know you were [Y/N]'s mom."

With a nod, [M/N] shook Lloyd's hand. "It is nice to formally meet you, Lloyd," she greeted. "And you too, ma'am," Lloyd replied.

Meanwhile, Kai walked up to Ronin slapping his face, leaving a red mark where his hand hit. "Ouch!" Ronin winced, rubbing the side of his face. "You and your sister, huh?" Ronin remarked. "It runs in the family," Kai admitted, the team laughing.

It might take me a while to write the next chapter btw

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It might take me a while to write the next chapter btw

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