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When the helicopter landed, Dareth gathered the remaining ninja in his studio. "I wish I could tell you the mission is gonna be simple. It's not." The brown ninja said.

"Uh, yeah, it is. In case no one told you, we got what we need to stop Nadakhan on the island. After we go up there to save Jay, we take care of business. Simple." Cole explained laying on two chairs put together to make a bed beside Morro. "And when you fly your fancy Elemental Dragons up there, just how long do you think the five, I mean three of you are gonna last against an entire crew of Sky Pirates?" Dareth asked approaching them wearing sunglasses. "Then we get all the help we need and hit them with brute force. The Commissioner said we'd have his department at our disposal." Nya stated before the Commissioner walked into the room with a bunch of members of the Ninjago police behind him. "You have my department at your disposal. Just say the word." He expressed.

"Then the word is "Goodbye." As in, we say goodbye to Jay when they see us all coming. No, this mission is not simple, but it's not impossible. Not without the help of a little magic. Movie magic. Kevin, Dan, the floor is yours." Dareth invited two men who then walked over with a board, on the board a piece of paper. "Who are they? Retrieval experts?" Lloyd asked.

"Better. Screenwriters." Dareth replied. "Hey [Y/N]," Morro whispered up to [Y/N]. The purple ninja turned around in her seat. "Is he high?" He honestly asked referring to Dareth.

"Probably." She sighed before detecting her attention back to the two screenwriters.

"So we got the message in the bottle from Jay that reads "Don't worry about me, worry about stopping Nadakhan," Kevin mentioned. "That's nice and straightforward, but very unhelpful. What's more interesting is the message behind the message." Dan continued, and at that moment [Y/N] had sworn that her last brain cell had died. "Huh?" She uttered. "Uh, you've lost me," Cole said.

"Well, he wrote the message on the blueprints of one of their vehicles, a Raid Zeppelin," Kevin explained. "So we suggest we use a little movie magic to recreate one of their ships so you can blend into their fleet," Dan suggested.

"Then, after our customer disguises you as Sky Pirates and an acting coach teaches you their dialect to pass undetected." Kevin went on. "No sweat, my pirate lingo is top-notch." [Y/N] leaned back in her chair and expressed.

"Arr, ye matey. We are becoming pirates." Lloyd painfully tried to speak like a pirate. [Y/N] patted his shoulder. "You tired." She told him.

"Let me show you." [Y/N] cleared her throat. "Avast Ye me Hearties, for me be already a young scallywag." She spoke in her pirate accent.

"Okay, um, thinking on the fly. The green one can't do dialects, but the purple one can." Kevin stated. "Yeah, he can be the mute sky pirate." Dan came up with a compromise.

"Yeah, that's it. Next, after we get you close enough..." Kevin continued. "Cole and Morro, the ghost ninjas, sneaks aboard the Misfortune's Keep, to poison Nadakhan with the Tiger Widow venom and trap him," Dan explains. "How?" Cole asked. "WE CAN'T WALK!" Morro yelled. "Oh, well [Y/N], you can do that thing where you like to turn into a shadow," Dan said. "Yep," She confirmed. "Then do that." Kevin voiced.

"Wait a minute, I thought the venom could only slow him down. How do we trap him?" Nya questioned. "Uh, okay, uh, just spit-balling here. Maybe it's an incantation. Something ancient." Kevin suggested.

"With a lot of hard consonants."

"Yeah. Like, uh..." Kevin began to speak
gibberish with Dan. "Great idea. Then, when Nadakhan gets trapped in the Djinn Blade, their friends are finally freed." He mentioned.

"Great idea," Kevin stated before Ronin who was leaning a supporter beam spoke up. "Terrific, this is the plan? You're sending them up there without any real idea of what they may find or what they are up against, and your only answer is movie magic?" He approached them.

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