☆Part 18☆

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Jessie was passed out on the couch with her feet on Jordan and tom was sitting next to him "wait h-hold on I-I know you...your from that one band!" Tom smiles "yeah..." Jessie sits up "and your kinda..." I walk over to her and lay her back down "nope that's my boyfriend Jessie!" She laughs "so? How could someone that's a 10 -clearly- like you, a 0?".

I was for real about to slap her.

I sigh "please just shut the fuck up and sleep!" Tom walks back "ok I'm gonna go in the kitchen...so" Jessie laughs "nooo, stay I wanna see you!" Tom ignores her.

I walk over to her and get aggressive "please Jessie! Shut the fuck up!" Jessie rolls her eyes "oh shut up! You know I'm way prettier than...you" Daisy walks over to me and takes my arm "stop! It's fine Kelly, she's drunk!".

I don't give a fuck when it comes to tom.

I pull away from daisy and get in Jessie's face "Jessie I swear if you don't shut the fuck up! I will fuck you up!" She laughs "ok, scary!" I sigh in annoyance "you bitch!".

I run upstairs and scream "ugh why does she have to be so annoying!?". Tom walks in "hey, you ok?" I run my fingers through my hair "no! Tom I'm not ok! Do you see why I hate her!?" He puts his hands on my arms "hey it's fine she's not getting anywhere" I push his hands off "nope! I need to talk to her!".

I run back down and grab Jessie and pull her up and take her outside "Jessie what is your problem!?" She stumbles "what?" I hit her arm "don't play dumb! Your messing with me for what reason!?" She smiles "I'm not messing with you I-I I'm just telling the truth!" I smack her upside the head "and why are you doing this!?" She laughs "because your boyfriend is a HOT and I want him haha".

Is this girl out of her mind!? What is wrong with her!? She can't handle her liquor.

She walks back in almost falling "t-tom come help me please!" I run in pushing her down "skank!". Tom sticks his head out the door "someone say my name!?" Jessie raises her hand "help me up! Someone please help!"

Tom walks downstairs and helps her up "go lay down you are too drunk" she falls in his chest and whines "no I don't want to!" I walk over to them and drag her off "nope you are not seeing tom again!".

Then Jessie starts bitting me "stop it you bitch!" I drop her on the floor and kick her "Jessie! Stop it and lay down!" Jessie stands up and tackles me "no y-you lay down!" I drag her off of me and stare at daisy to grab her. Daisy takes her up to our parents room.


I walk into my parents room and see Jessie sleeping. I quietly walk over to her and tap her "Jessie wake up" she moans "what? What happend?" I take a seat next to her "I just wanted to apologize for pushing you and kicking you" she smiles "it's ok".

Well she wasn't drunk anymore.

"No I'm sorry -even though I barely remember- but yeah I'm sorry about tom" I smile and stand up "ok get some sleep" she sighs and falls asleep.

I walk downstairs and see tom and daisy talking "hey guys what ya talking about?" They stop talking immediately "nothing!" I stop "um...ok?" Tom coughs "trust me it's nothing" I nod and walk in the kitchen for some water.

How weird.

I was getting water peacfuly and Jordan tapped my shoulder "Kelly come outside". I walk outside and see a sign that says "PROM!?" And no and a yes checkbox and flower with my favorite snacks and candles. I cup my mouth and sqeal and take the expo and check off yes "oh my gosh tom! Thank you so much!" I run in into his arms and he picks me up "I love you" I give him a hard kiss "I love you too".

He sets me down and I look over and see daisy and Jordan taking pictures. I run to the camera and put my hand over and hug daisy "did you tell him to do this!?" She shakes her head "nope all Tom's idea but I did set up a little!" I smile and run back to tom "this is amazing tom thank you!" He laughs "of course, I have something else for you".


He runs to the house and upstairs and comes down with a beautiful, dark red dress "I hope you like it, daisy helped me a lot with this" I almost tear up from how hard I'm blushing "it's beautiful tom thank you so much!" He hands the dress to daisy and hugs me "I glad you like it".

"How did you guys do all this without me knowing!?" Daisy giggles "we have our ways" I smile and take the dress to see what it looks like on me. I run upstairs and change into it.

It was a skin tight then go's out at the end. It was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I take it off and walk back down. I wasn't gonna show tom yet.

I walk back out and grab my flowers and snacks. Daisy starts yelling at us "Guys get together and smile or do something I don't care!". I smile with my flowers and Tom's arm under mine and he gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

After we were done with the photos, daisy was looking back through them and smiling like crazy "look at these there so good!" I peek my head over and look at them "they are good! Thank you daisy, for helping" she smiles and nods "of course! Now I'm gonna a go print them!".

It was good to know that one of my sisters supported my relationship. Even though Jessie apologized she still did it and she can't take anything back.

After everything me and tom went upstairs and ate my snacks and cuddled all night watching scary movies.

All of my life I thought that nobody would ever ask me to prom until now. I'm so happy with how my life's going.



I wake up ignoring if tom was in bed because I had to go pee so bad. I sat down and felt the toilet seat was wet "Jordan! Tom!" I hear footsteps coming from both aways and a knock from Jordan "what!?" Tom tried opening the door but it was locked "open up! What's wrong!?" I pull up my pants "someone left the toilet seat wet! Who was it!?" I hear the footsteps run away "oh my gosh! Whatever never mind!".

I brush my teeth and hair and walk out and see tom laying down with the blankets covering him "tom! Get up! Your fine. I don't care!" He slowly uncovers himself "ok, sorry!".

I wait for him to be uncovered and hit him with he pillow "nasty! Do you know how to use the toilet!?" He laughs "I said I'm sorry! And I was to lazy!" I stop hitting him "actually I don't care" he stops laughing and tackles me "I'm gonna a kill you!"

I try and get him off but he was tickling me "no! Stop tom! We need to get ready for school!" He laughs and stops "fine whatever I'm gonna shower!" I run after him "no! I am!".

I hope you enjoyed this part!!! I defo have more ideas for this story!!!

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