☆Part 19☆

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*At school*

I run up to Rachel and spill the news about tom and I but she seemed a little upset about something "hey Rachel!" She gave me a quick smile then looked down "hey Kelly!" I pick her head up "hey, are you ok? She bites her lip "I don't know, is something wrong with bill? It seems like he's ghosting me" I give her a confused look "um I haven't seen him in a while but, I bet he's just a little shy!" She picks her head up and smiles "your probably right. So what were you gonna tell me?" I smile "it can wait! So tell me what's been going on with you and him!".

She dumps everything on me and there was a lot, I mean a lot.

I walk to my locker and take out everything I need "well I really hope you and Bill end up working out! I'm sorry that you feel that way!" She smiles "thanks, I appreciate it, a lot" I nod "no problem" she sighs "ok now can you please tell me what happened!?". I explain everything to her and she gasps "oh my fuck! Kelly that is amazing!" She twirls "I hope bill does the same for me!" I giggle "I'm sure he'll come around".

I walk Rachel to her class then split. I make it to my class and see tom in his seat infront of me. He turns and smiles. I smile back.

During class I felt something on my chair. I turn and look down at my chair and see gum sticking to my back "ugh what the hell!". The class turns and looks at me. I give them a quick smile and then the teacher yells at me "Kelly detention after school! Please don't shout out in class thank you!" I roll my eyes and ask to use the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and take off my shirt in a stall and try to pull the gum off but it wouldn't come off. I peak my head out of the stall and see no one was there so I ran to the sink and try to scrub it off. I was scrubing and someone came in and took pictures of me "what the hell bitch!".

I put my shirt back on quickly and run out and tackle the girl "you bitch! Delete that now or I swear I will fuck you up!" She quickly deletes the photos and runs back to class.

I walk back into the bathroom and scrub and scrub and it finally came off "thank God!". I put my shirt on and cover the wet spot with my hair.

*At lunch*

While I was sitting down with Rachel I noticed everyone was looking at me and some boys cat whistled at me. I turn back to Rachel and take a bite of my sandwich "Rachel...look around" she looks around and sees everyone staring at me "why are they cat whistling at you?" I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, I'm kinda scared" we both start laughing.

While I was walking to throw away my plastic a group of boys that are friends with tom -known for being the jocks- walked past me and leaned back to look under my mini skirt and whistled "damn" I look over at them and give them a dirty look "what!?" They laugh "you look good in just a bra, but I'm tryin' to see it on my bedroom floor!" I get uncomfortable.

I look around for tom and see him with him with the band "tom!" He turns his head and looks at me "come here!" I tell him to come because I can't leave Rachel even though she has plenty of friends.

He walks up to me and sits "what's up?" I look around and whisper in his ear "your friends, they are getting weird" he looks confused "what did they do?" I lean in closer "they tried looking under my skirt and whistled at me, everybody's looking at me" he sighs "don't worry I'll tell them to knock it off" I nod and give him a kiss.

While I'm sitting down talking with Rachel someone came up to me "hey um sorry but you might wanna see this" she showed me the photos and videos and I start crying but try and hide it "oh shit".

I wipe my tears and walk up to the girl I tackled and pull her hair "hey bitch!" I get her in the floor and people start huddling around us. I give a few good punches and leave her almost unconscious and spit on her "bitch! Don't ever think to do that shit again!". Tom was just standing there in shock.

I walk away from the scene and into the bathroom to clean my hands from my blood and hers.

I walk out of the bathroom and tom runs over to me "Kelly! What happened!?" I rub my head "she posted photos of me without a shirt on, what did you expect?" He sighs and hugs me "ok I'm sorry she did that, I'll do everything that I can to get it taken down" I sigh "no it's fine tom I don't want you to do anything!" He coughs "you sure?" I nod.

I went to detention and and the teacher came in and they asked me if I fought someone "no I didn't , I don't know who or what your talking about" the teacher walks to his desk and sits down.

*At home*


I was laying in my bed until I heard a knock on my door "come in!" Daisy walks in and quietly closes the door and has a box of cigarettes in her hand "look what I stole from Jordan!" I get up and stare at her and we both run out of the house.

We make it to the side of my house and she lights one "here, take one" I take one from the box and she lights it for me "nice steal!" She laughs "I know right! I am not spending any money at the store!" I look at her and raise an eyebrow and she knows what we should do "Kelly...no I'm not spending money!" I give her the puppy dog eyes "pretty please?" She sigh and takes a hit of her cigarette.

We get in her car and drive to the liquor store. Daisy gets out of the car "ok stay here, be right back!".

20 minutes go by and she finally comes back with to bags "damn, what did you get?" She laughs "I went a little crazy and got all our favs..." I smile "good!".

We make it back to the house and run to my room "ok spread everything out ok!" Daisy takes out the alcohol and lays it out on the bed "ok what do we drink first?" I point to a bottle of tequila and she smiles "that's definitely the one!".

We decided to play a drinking game "ok what ever number the dice lands on we have to take that amount of shots, ready!?" I nod "let's do it! I'll go first!".

I'm 13 shots in and daisy has had 9 shots I stand up and fall back down and daisy laughs at me "h-hey don't laugh! I have had th-the worst day today, until now but still" she sits up "what happend!?". I explain everything and she laughs "you beat that bitch up!" I laugh "she had it coming!".

We downed 3 bottles of alcohol and are laughing our asses off about random shit and tom walks in "what are you to doing...?" I look at daisy and try not to laugh "n-nothing..." he walks over to me and looks at me eyes and smells me "you got to be joking! Your seriously drunk right now!" I laugh "it's fine! I'm fine!" I stop laughing and try to seduce him "your fine..." but I couldn't hold in my laugh.

Tom smirks then drops it and laughs "I can't believe you right now!".

IK IK THIS IS BORING BUT IM TRYING!! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this part!!!

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