☆Part 27☆

685 21 13

4 whole mouths have gone by. Tom and I haven't spoken. Only little waves and smiles being thrown at each other. Today I'm going to talk to him. It's the first day of school. We're seniors.

I finish getting ready and I pack up for school.

I arrived at school and immediately saw tom and bill. I waved and smiled at bill. I walked over to him "hi bill!" I hug him. He smiles "hi Kelly! It's been so long! Come on, let's go to benches?" I nod "yeah let's go".

Tom was just standing there looking at me. Me and bill walked to the benches and sat "bill, I have to tell you something that you can't tell tom" he nods and waits for me to go on "ok so I want to talk to him. Do you think he wants to talk to me?" Bill hesitates for a second "well, I don't know. He just seems so happy right now but, I think it would be nice to clear things up so, yeah".

I looked at bill a little longer and noticed his hair changed. It was a bit more....spiked out then usual. I smiled at the thought. It looked really good on him.

I put my hand in his "thank you bill. Now let's just talk more" we talked until the bell then we slip to our lockers.

I walked into class and sat down. I really hoped I didn't have tom in this class.

I waited a few minutes because he was usually late but, he obviously had another class.

1st and 2nd period passed and it was break. I walked out of class and put my stuff away. I went to bill at his locker and I waited for him to put his stuff away. He slammed his locker and jumped when he saw me because I was hiding behind his locker.

"Damn! You scared the shit out of me" we both laughed "my bad". We finished our laughs and we walked out to the tree where everyone would meet up. I sat down on the beanch and I realized bill wasn't even with me anymore.

I stood up and saw him with tom. I had no problem with it but he just didn't tell me that he was coming over here.

We made eye contact. It felt like the first time.

I looked down and sighed. I couldn't even help but feel some type of way about us hanging out as friends. I honestly couldn't.

I finally built up the courage to get closer and pull him aside "hey tom" I swung my hand telling him to come with me.

We sat at the beanches on the other side. I looked at him for a second before taking a deep breath "so, I just wanted to clear things but between us. I'm so sorry if any of the things I said had hurt you. Those were not my intentions, at all. I was mad and being dumb. Will you forgive me?" He ran his tongue over his lip piercing "thank you Kelly, for apologizing. I will forgive you" I sighed in relief "thank you tom".

He scooted closer to me "things haven't been the same, I feel different without you by my side" he looked me up and down.

I don't know how I felt about him saying that.

I looked at the grass field and back at him "a lot of shit has changed tom, you not being apart of my life is a huge part of that change. Maybe we can work things out as friends for now but, we can wait and see where that takes us" he nodded "I get it but, I can't just sit next to you or be with you without having my hands on you"

I was flabbergasted.

"Uh, oh really?" He sighed and smirked at me "I haven't even done anything with anyone because it feels wrong, because it's not with you, it won't be the same or, feel the same" I looked at him and he looked really needy "it's fine tom, no matter what happends, I know for a fact, something will happen between us, we just need to be patient".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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