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Everything was escalating way too fast for the curly haired boy.

One second he's swinging on the swing set waiting for Baji to arrive, next he's being thrown OFF said swing by a bunch of older kids, then he's watching said kids get pummeled by Baji and a blonde with black eyes, and lastly being swept away by the two boys to a 'dojo' down the street.

He knew Baji had a few screws loose, but he never thought he'd go as far as to kidnap someone!

Actually, scratch that. In the short amount of time Takemichi has gotten to know Baji, he can definitely see the feral boy being involved in a kidnapping.

Jeez, what's Baji gonna do next? Burn a bunch of cars? Break into someone's house? Commit manslaughter?

Takemichi let his head fall on the kotatsu placed in front of him and allowed an exhausted sigh to leave his lips.

Takemichi was unable to fight against Baji and the blonde, who went by Manjiro Sano, as they pulled him into the dojo and into a side room; a kotatsu sat in the middle of the small room and was surrounded by fluffy cushions. Sano insisted that Takemichi waited in the small room while he and Baji went out to grab something.

At this point, Takemichi wouldn't be surprised if this something happened to be a knife.

"C'mere Mitchy—I need to patch you up." Well speak of the devil!

Takemichi lifted his head up from the kotatsu and watched Sano enter the room, Baji trailing not too far away from him. The first thing Takemichi noticed about Sano were his eyes—a pitch black that reminded the boy of an endless tunnel. His eyes were unique but so unsettling to look at. They were so empty, almost void of life.

Kinda like a doll's.

Sano sat down close to Takemichi and began placing bandaids with cool designs all over his face. To distract himself from the black pools of emptiness, Takemichi peered over at Baji from the corner of his eye. The boy was laid out on the ground, his limbs splayed out like a starfish out of water.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 || 𝐓. 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now