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    After a long few months of endless snow, freezing weather, and catching colds, the sun finally decided to do its job and bring hot rays of sunshine all over Japan. 

    Takemichi has never been more delighted in his entire life! He's sick and tired of traveling through harsh winds and having his socks be soaked from the small bits of snow that would somehow find its way inside his boots. He's ultimately glad that he no longer has to worry about the chances of any of his friends catching a nasty cold; Talking to his friends on the phone while they're bedridden isn't nearly as fun as talking face to face.

    (Plus his mom has grown tired of Takemichi hogging the house phone.)

    The small boy is practically vibrating in his band t-shirt as he runs around the main room—jumping on the sofa and tumbling onto the floor in a gymnastic-like manner. He dances around his tired mom with a bright smile on his face as he hoots and hollers in excitement over the change in season. Takemichi's giggles bounce off the walls and fills the apartment in a pleasant atmosphere.

    Takemichi and his friends can do so many things now that the deadly snow won't hinder them anymore! They can spend as much time at the playground as they want, buy ice cream, play tag, go to the beach, and so much more!

    It's only because of his enthusiasm towards the weather change that he doesn't mind when his door is thrown open by his feral friends: Mikey and Keisuke.

    ...and Haruchiyo?

    "Hi Ms. Hanagaki~!" Mikey and Keisuke greet with excited smiles as they enter the boy's apartment like they own the place. Haruchiyo reluctantly follows after them, looking lost and a little nervous as he eyes Takemichi's mother with calculating irises.

    "Oh hi boys! Have you come to take Michi away from me again?" His mother asks with a smirk as she crouches down to hug both Mikey and Keisuke. The two boys gladly welcome the hug with open arms, causing a fuzzy warm feeling to sprout from Takemichi's chest.

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