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Everything is cloudy and hazy. Dark. Peaceful even.

    Takemichi doesn't know why, but his mind is under some kind of spell—stopping him from forming any coherent thought. It's nice. Relaxing.

    Not a single thing can be seen and Takemichi oddly takes comfort in his empty surroundings. He doesn't have to worry about anything. His guard is completely down, limbs heavy and unmovable, and there's nothing around to cause the boy any fright.

    Takemichi wishes he can stay in this beautiful place forever. After everything that's happened over the years, it's nice to be somewhere where he doesn't have to be consumed with guilt, fear, and worry.

    He finds himself relishing in the emptiness, in the silence, and he hopes, prays, that he's left undisturbed—

    "Wake up Michi!"

    Of course he's asking for too much.

    Despite recognizing the voice, Takemichi doesn't bother moving. In fact, he seeks out the darkness, desperately tries to hold onto it, but—of course—it gradually begins to slip through his fingers.

    With a tired groan, Takemichi opens his eyes—wincing at the bright light that consumes his surroundings. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, he turns to the voice that brought him out of his wonderland of darkness.

    "I was sleepinn'..." Takemichi whines, his words slurring a bit. The kid sitting next to him just giggles. Takemichi turns to face the boy, narrowing his eyes and glaring as the kid continues to giggle like a newborn. "Why'd ya wake me uppp, Haki-chan?"

    Through his blurry vision, Takemichi can barely make out the gentle smile Hakkai sends his way.

    "The teacher gave us a project to work on—one we can do with a partner!" Hakkai exclaims excitedly, his hands reaching over to grab Takemichi's shoulders. "And I got a great idea for what we should do!" Takemichi stares at him with a confused expression.

    What project?

    Did the teacher assign them something while he was asleep? Actually, knowing Takemichi's luck, that's probably what happened.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 || 𝐓. 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now