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    As of lately, Takemichi's thoughts have been spiraling into dangerous territory.

    Questions that he would've never dared asked his own mother have been spilling from his mouth with rapid succession. While his friends have a hard time responding to them, Wakasa answers them with ease, his tone even and fair as if he were talking about the weather.

    Takemichi doubts there's a single question that could send Wakasa into a nervous fit. The boy remembers clearly how his own mom would react when he'd ask her grown up questions. Hell, she nearly had a heart attack when he asked where babies came from.

    But Wakasa? He answers them without judgment.

    It's because of this reason alone that Takemichi decides to ask him the most dangerous thought that's been swimming around his head for months.

    Takemichi waits until it's just him and Wakasa in the apartment; Haru had gone off to the arcade with Mikey and Keisuke–Takemichi got out of going by feigning a cough, making the boy disgruntled by his apparent sickness. Takemichi immediately used that to advantage and shooed Haru away. Wakasa, of course, sees right through Takemichi's plan, but does nothing to stop it. He just sends Haru with a handful of change and bids him goodbye.

    That leaves just Takemichi and Wakasa.


    With a deep sigh, Takemichi exits his bedroom with soft footsteps, his eyes trained on Wakasa's unmoving frame on the couch. The boy attempts to sneak up on him, walking as quietly as he can, but–somehow–Wakasa still manages to hear him.

    "You tryna scare me, kid?" He asks, a cigarette sitting between his lips as he turns his head to stare at Takemichi. The curly haired boy hangs his head in defeat and drops the silent act.

   "No–I just got a question," Takemichi says, making his way to sit beside Wakasa on the couch.

    Wakasa regards him with a bored look before turning his attention back to the T.V. "Hit me with it, Michi."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 || 𝐓. 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now