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    It was just like any other day in December; the sky was blue, the weather chilly and cold, the sun high in the sky, people walking on the sidewalk with winter coats wrapped around their body's.

    But, if there's one thing Takemichi's learned since befriending Keisuke, it's that 'any other day' can quickly turn into a day full of adventures and excitement.

    Keisuke and Mikey never failed to rope the curly haired boy into their antics and borderline dangerous activities; it's not like Takemichi ever had the chance to resist or protest when they forcefully drag the boy by the shoulder or arm to wherever their interests lie. Their little adventures have also gotten the three of them in trouble numerous times, but that never seemed to hinder the two from coming up with more unique ideas to spend their day together.

    Today though, there was no Mikey—just Keisuke and that feral toothy grin of his.

    From his spot curled up on the couch, Takemichi startles at the sound of Keisuke throwing the apartment door open, entering Takemichi's home as if he owned the place.

    (A few days ago, Takemichi and his mother left the Baji's apartment to return to their own. Keisuke's mom offered to let them stay longer, but—to Takemichi's disappointment—his mama declined the offer.)

    It's strange; no matter how many times Takemichi locks the door, Keisuke always finds a way to enter his apartment without breaking the doorknob or punching a hole through the hard wood. Maybe he has a key or something? It would be even more strange if that turns out to be the case, but who cares? It's not like Keisuke's an intruder or anything, so he has nothing to worry about.

    Absolutely nothing at all.

    "MICHI! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Keisuke exclaims excitedly, his smile bright and face rosy pink from the cold weather. It's only when Keisuke reaches the small boy does he finally realize that he's holding something behind his back.

    "Hm?" Takemichi hums curiously, a spark of interest igniting his chest as he observes Keisuke rock on the balls and heels of his feet. Takemichi's small sound of acknowledgement causes the boy to grin ear to ear. Keisuke wastes no time in extending his hand—that was closed around a mysterious object—out to Takemichi's face. Then, very slowly, Keisuke exposes his palm, revealing a small, familiar, cardboard box.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 || 𝐓. 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now