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Takemichi watches Keisuke and Mikey from above the monkey bars, his eyes never leaving the pair as they laugh and tackle each other into the ground.

    For some reason, Takemichi has found himself watching them more intently, more hyper aware of their interactions with each other. Sure, he's always observed them from afar without shame, but–as of lately–the thought of staring at them for too long makes his stomach turn, his eyes beginning to focus on things he shouldn't be noticing.

    Surely it's not normal to stare longingly at the way Mikey and Keisuke hang off eachother with ease, to observe how intimate their touches are, not worrying about who's watching or who's around them. It must be weird to want to join them, to hold their hands tightly until his palms grow sweaty and clammy. It's, without a doubt, odd to imagine what it would be like to see Keisuke and Mikey kiss each other softly on the cheek.

    And, in the darkest pits of his imagination, Takemichi sees himself copying them: placing his lips against the crown of Keisuke's and Mikey's head. He sees himself smiling widely while giggling his heart out. He sees Keisuke and Mikey beaming at him with wide smiles, their cheeks flushed with a pretty red that makes them look soft and non-threatening. He sees Mikey whining to Takemichi about the kiss not lasting long and giving into the blonde's whims, Keisuke without a doubt pouting in the background–

    "--Takemichi? Hey, Takemichi, Are you listening to me?"

    Takemichi's entire body jolts. Turning his head, he faces Yuzuha–his girlfriend–and laughs sheepishly with a hand scratching the back of his neck. "Ah, sorry Yuzu-chan! Can you say that again?" He asks, guilt swimming in his stomach as he sees Yuzuha's face drop.

    He should've been paying more attention to his girlfriend than watching Keisuke and Mikey play with each other! He can always play with the duo later in the evening after all.

    Takemichi keeps his eyes on Yuzuha and refuses to take them away from her figure, hoping that it's enough to make up for not listening to his girlfriend's rant.

    Yuzuha frowns. Rather than repeating her words, she tilts her head and purses her lips, seemingly deep in thought. "You've been acting weird lately, Takemichi," Yuzuha mumbles, shocking the boy to the point where he almost loses his balance and falls off the monkey bars.

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