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"He just has a mild concussion." A wave of sighs fill the nurses office at the nurse's observation. Rika—along with Katsumi, Shinichiro, and Takeomi—had all but followed the nurse and coaches to the infirmary, ignoring their stupid orders of 'stay out in the hall'.

    Rika had never been more scared in her entire life when she witnessed her son being tackled mercilessly to the ground by the Shiba kid and being unable to get back up. Keisuke not being able to even push himself off the ground was enough to have Rika running towards the boy, ignoring the reprimanding shouts of the coaches and teachers that watched from the sidelines.

    Keisuke always got back up—no matter what— and witnessing the spitball of fire knocked out and down for the count was just...just terrifying.

     "He won't be able to participate in any more games today, but he'll get better in...I'd say in about two weeks," the nurse explains softly, drawing Rika away from her own thoughts. "I think it would be best if you took him back home, Ms.Baji. He'll need all the rest he can get if he wants to be back up and moving." Rika nods, her eyes moving from the nurse to the passed out form of her feral son.

    "...What else should I do to ensure that he gets better faster?" Rika asks, her eyes not leaving her son's body. His chest slowly moves up and down, reassuring the distressed mother that her son was still alive and well.

    (Alive but injured, but alive nonetheless.)

    "Keep him away from bright lights, make sure an ice pack is applied to the area he was injured, and rest. Lots and lots of rest," the nurse states in a professional manner, like she was reciting words off a list. Rika can't help but wince at the thought of forcing Keisuke, her naturally rambunctious child, to stay in bed. God, she can already feel the headache that her troublesome son will give her later.

    "Got it." Without a second to waste, Rika walks up to her child and lifts him up in her arms. With a small goodbye, Rika and her unusually quiet companions follow after her and out of the nurses office.

    An uneasy silence hangs over the four of them, not surprising Rika in the slightest. Of course the others are having a hard time processing what had happened. Hell, even Rika couldn't believe that she was carrying an unconscious Keisuke home. When was the last time Rika picked up her own child like this? Held him protectively to her chest as she cooed sweet words into his ear?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 || 𝐓. 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now