002: 3-E's hot blonde

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"OKAY, I HOPE everybody has calm down now," the yellow teacher spoke smiling from the front while all the students were seated now, quiet, and ready to start the lesson.

Mina sat in the very back, right next to the red-head she met five minutes ago, and stared at her desk as lifeless as if her soul left her body.
She had both her hands placed on her lap and seemed to comprehend a lot in the moment. The girl felt something that felt like a mix out of disbelief and emberassment for her reaction.

"We apologies for the inconvenience, Hayashi-san. Somebody should've told you about me, right? Anyways, I hope you're doing okay now!" the yellow thing continued talking joyfully.
"Everyone, this is mina Hayashi, Your new classmate! Please welcome her with open hands, alright?" it clapped it's hand, trying to motivate everyone.

Mina looked to the front, then next to her where she found the mischievous red-head laughing at her.

"I'm koro-sensei, your new teacher. Explaining why I'm here would be a long story, but when taking the shortcut, you could say that everyone in this classroom is assigned to kill me, including you from now on. Im certain karasuma-sensei will be willing to explain everything to you at the end of the day, but let's focus on literature of the 18th century now, alright?" the thing- koro-sensei? Spoke. ...walking? To the cupboard to start the lesson.

Mina tried to focus on the topic they were discussing, but for the live of god, the poor girl couldn't listen to anything her new teacher was saying.
What was happening to her felt like a fever dream. One of those weird ones- where you kill a bunch of people or get hunted by a wild unicorn, mina had those dreams often.

Nearly a hour was up now, and mina had found her sanity again, at least the majority of it.
She looked down at her paper, noting a few things her teacher said but getting taken back by his appearance every once in a while after all.
'koro-sensei' ended the lesson, wishing everyone a good lunch break and making his way to the window, announcing that he would be in the states for the next 25 minutes and that they should call him if they wanted to attempt murder.
He took a big jump and flew out of the window in a heavily intimidating speed, which made mina scream again, just inside herself this time, not to cause emberassment.

All the students gathered in little groups around the desks, eating their lunch, reading or just talking with their friends.
Mina awkwardly stared at her desk, not exactly knowing what to do before karma approached her.

"Hey, princess, that scream was legendary. Good job," he teased, leaning back in his chair.

"not funny," she spoke, crossing her arms and still frowning at the nickname he had given her. She gave up trying to convince him to say her name, he was the type of person who wouldn't stop anyway.

She had looked a few times at karma for the last hour. He was the only person she knew so far, and maybe she hoped that he would, too, see the absurdity she was seeing in the situation.
But it seemed like this was a normal day for him and her new classmates, a regular day where they got teached by a yellow octopus.

"Well, I find it funny. very funny, hilarious, even," he commented jokingly.

"hey, Princess. I'm going down the hill to get something to drink. Don't drown in tears while I'm away, Kay?" he leaned forward, gave her a quick wink and left the room with his hands in his pants's pockets. Mina only sighed before slightly rolling her eyes.

As soon as the red-head was gone, one of her classmates came to mina's table with her chair ready.
It was a tall girl with long blonde hair and shiny blue eyes. She wore the school's cardigan option, had light make up on and smillled at mina brightly.
She placed her chair Infront of mina's chair and sat on it the other way around, so that her face rested on the chair's usual back.

"sup," she greeted, smilling happily "Im Rio Nakamura, or just Rio. Nice to meet ya, mina, was it?" she asked, resting her head on her hand.

Mina looked at the girl and blinked a few times. She seemed friendly, fun to be around.
"yeah, uh, mina's right. Nice to meet you too, rio."

Rio chuckled at the girl's clueless look.
"Haha, thanks. By the way, you're like, really pretty. You know?" Rio spoke, taking one of mina's front bangs into her hand and feeling the soft hair.

Mina awkwardly shifted because of her movement, giving her a small smile followed by an as small chuckle.
"Thank you, I guess. You're pretty too."

"really?" Rio asked, letting go of her hair and posing like a typical model in teenie magazines. "thanks, im working on it!"

Mina chuckled again, shaking her head.

"also, I have a question," Rio stopped with her act, slowly starting to grin and wiggle her eyebrows in a teasing way "are you and karma a thing? Or, like, do you guys know eachother?"

Mina blinked a few times, trying to comprehend the blonde's question before shaking her hands in defense.
"what? Ah, no I don't. I met him like a hour ago. Why do you ask?" she opened her eyes curiously, trying to think of a reason.

"oh, well, you guys just.." Rio started, looking back at the bruenette.
"ah, you know... nevermind. Just forget it," Rio smiled it off, deciding not to tell the girl.

Mina and Rio continued chatting about all sorts of things, the bruenette slowly warming up to the blonde. She was indeed a funny individual. Rio talked about her favourite movies, which came out to be both of their favourite movies. She talked about her hobbies, her interests, and what to know about every classmate.
Rio indeed liked to gossip, but it was rather fun stories than judgemental rumors.

As the two girls were enjoying themselves, giggling and chatting, a few other students walked over, seemingly interested.

There was a lagoon green haired girl, dragging along her glasses wearing, two braided ponytails having, classmate and another blue haired individual with an inviting smile, deciding to speak first.

"Hello, Hayashi-san, was it? I'm sorry to interrupt, but we heard you two chatting, and wanted to introduce ourselves. I'm nagisa, it's very nice to meet you!" He smiled even brighter, waving his hand before pointing to the two girls behind him.
"This is kaede, and that girl behind her is okuda." He continued, making 'kaede' wave excitedly and 'okuda' nod shyly.

"Uh-" Mina started, trying to remember all of their names, "nagisa, kaede, okuda, nice to meet you guys." She smiled sweetly, looking over at Rio, who just sighed, bored.
She shook her head, speaking up again, "sorry, please sit down! I forgot.."

Nagisa laughed the sympathetic girl off, sitting down to rio and gently pulling his best friend to sit next to him, leaving okuda by herself.
They began chatting, as mina noticed the girl's discomfort.
She pulled her chair away from the other, at least a little, before tapping on the red-head's chair from earlier for okuda to sit on.
"O-okuda? Right? Come, sit down!" She pulled the shy Girl's hand as gently as possible, making her nod her head before sitting down on the chair, blushing.

"Sooo," Mina started, leaning back before going back and forth on her chair "what's up?" She smiled at the girl.

Okuda didn't know why the new girl was so interested in her, let alone why she'd speak to her out of all the people in the room. The shy girl stuttered some non sense before sighing.

"Sorry, I know I look dumb." Okuda chuckled after a while "I get nervous easily, I apologise. Thank you, Hayashi-san.." she mumbled, looking at her lap.

Mina blinked a few times, shaking her head a few times before starting to smile brightly again. "Oh come on, it's no biggie! Call me Mina, please. I can't handle with another person ignoring my name," the brunette rolled her eyes at the thought of the red-head.
"Rio and the others are enjoying themselves, so I thought i'd talk to you. Your classmates are so cool.." Mina sighed, leaning back before crossing her arms.
"Including you." She finished, hitting the girl's shoulder playfully.

Okuda's cheeks reddened "t-thank you, ha- Mina."

The young girl only smiled at that. Maybe this class wasn't so bad after all. At least for the time she has to study here to get into her old one.
Having that said, the only thing she irrationally feared right now was her old classmates, and what they'd do if they saw her.

1505 WORDS

a bunny's heart | karma akabane Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon