036: Stubbs and terrorism?

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"WAIT, WHAT ARE we gonna do with koro-sensei?"

Nagisa stopped his classmates before any of them, Including mina, could start to climb up the mountain ritsu told them about. Even karasuma raised his eyebrows at the boy, who was holding up the bag with koro-sensei's head.

"Well, thank you! Yes, what are we gonna do with me??" Koro-sensei's voice was slightly panicked as he looked around his students.

"Oh come on, Can't we just leave him here?" Karma, who had his hand already placed on the wall, groaned.

"What, No! No one leaves me behind, okay?"

Silence overtook the group before Hinata shoved her hand forward, shouting with a smile.
"Not it!"

Kaede followed just as excited- and Soon enough, everyone else hit their hands onto hers in a similar manner, building a circle that only excluded karasuma, Irina and.. mina.

The girl got dragged out of train of thoughts, mainly consisting of ways how to optimise the upcoming climbing process, by karma suppressing a laugh and nagisa & kaede smiling sheepishly.

"Hey!- what? N-No, wait! I wasn't ready!" The girl scoffed at her three friends especially, leaning forwards in an distressed manner while furrowing her eyebrows "Why can't Karasuma-sensei carry him, huh?"

Karasuma Kept himself out of that, coughing before turning around and talking to a leaving government official, ignoring his students completely.
What none of them noticed back then: he pulled Irina along.

"Hey! Back me up here!"

Karma threw his arm around her shoulders- smirking at the struggling girl. "Sorry, princess, but we're out."

"Yeah!" Kaede added with a cheerful voice, that seemed to ignore mina's annoyance "We called dibs!"

" 'dibs' , mon cul. crétins.." she cursed under her breath before her face relaxed again, perhaps because of the arm around her. She sighed, shook her head, and got the see-through bag with koro-sensei handed to her by nagisa.

"I love when you geek out in french," the red haired boy next to her grinned  at the girl's slightly flushing face. It didn't occur to them back then wether that was because of the close proximity or the fact she'd have to carry her teacher. It was funny nevertheless- at least to yada, who giggled under her breath, and Kimura who smiled dorkily.

"Yeah, yeah," terasaka interrupted the smaller group that had build up, shoving nagisa and kaede forward. "Make out later, losers. We're on a mission here!"

Karma smirked, shrugged- and stepped back to the mountain, closely followed by the rest of his classmates.

Mina looked down at her teacher in the bag before taking a deep, long, breath. Koro-sensei smiled at his student cheekily- before getting his bag knot around mina's belt.

This is gonna be a handful.


She was the one climbing at the very top, and grateful that she wore shorts instead of a skirt after all.

The mountain air made some hair of mina's fly back, revealing her face. Being at the very top was relaxing in the sense that she didn't have to look out for people as she speed climbed. The girl was a good climber nevertheless, but the thought of her best friend suffering made her go even quicker.

For the first time in a while, a huge grin spread on mina's face. And that was only thanks to one realisation: she'd save rio. They'd save Rio.

Everyone else closely followed, with those in 3-E who could climb fast helping those who couldn't, and karasuma being at the very bottom. He had to carry Irina on his back. Well, he probably didn't have to, but he did it anyway. Though, to be fair, They couldn't let her behind.

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