010: rescued, luckily.

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THE WAREHOUSE the friends were trapped in was cold, the uncomfortable temperature creeping mina's legs up was unbearable. After the leader had finished talking to them, jumping off the van, multiple people carried the girls inside some sort of warehouse, where even more members seemed to wait. They got thrown Infront of a old, dirty, brown couch. The room being comparably empty otherwise, except for the brown table in the middle and multiple chairs scattered along the room edges. Under the chairs, smoke rising from them, were half-out cigarettes pressed against ripped pieces of newspaper. The room was very brightly lighted in a yellow-ish colour, it hurt one's eyes.

There were a few of these gang highschoolers in the big room along with the girls, all of them having a look in their eyes that made mina want to throw up. Some laughed, talked to eachother, drank.

"Ah, there are our guests! You know, except for dollface, from who I'm really, really disappointed that she doesn't recognise me," the previous guys comes walking in, smiling wicked as he continued to come closer to the group.

She did remember, now that he had mentioned it.
This was the guy from the train! the one standing in the middle of the path, the one she didn't get to apologise to.
After a quick glance around, she saw the two other men he was with. This was definitely him.

"I'm really disappointed about you." He stopped, making a acted frown to kanzaki. They knew eachother?

The highschooler waved his hand, making one of the other guys stand up and run to him with a picture in his hand.

He took and raised the printed out picture to the friends, revealing the same yukiko kanzaki from whom mina had believed was an angel on earth in pretty revealing clothes, heavy party make up applied posing Infront of a gambling machine in what appeared to be a club. Kaede gasped quietly, and mina wasn't much less shocked. That was kanzaki?

"Yeah, mhm, she looks pretty much like a whore, huh? My guys and I were planning on taking you along there, but we somehow lost you somewhere. Fate brought us back together, how romantic." He sadistically laughed, making Kanzaki look at the ground in shame, parted from her dignity as mina stared him down even more angrily, almost scaring kaede. She kept quiet for now, calculating the best way to get out of here, but
If looks could kill, he'd have suffered torture.

"But, to be fair, you left us this," he walked to the table, showing them a beige notebook. This was kanzakis. "So we could find you! So you're at least a useful whore, beauty." He sighed before smirking evilly. Kanzaki only gasped, slowly tearing up as she tried to hold herself from crying.

"What do you want from us? Our parents aren't very rich, you guys won't get money out of this." Mina interrupted the silence seriously, which was occasionally interrupted by whimpers and hiccups from kanzaki.

"Oh?" He grinned, walking the few steps to mina before looking down at her, right into her eyes, making them have a staring contest of some sort. "Are you jealous of the lack of attention I'm giving you, dollface? Don't worry, you three will be all taken care of," he started off, making some of his friends laugh deeply. "We don't want money, don't worry. We just want a good time! Is that really so bad? We will take some memorial pictures at the end and you will go back to your class as if nothing happened, alright?" He clapped his hands, turning around to face his fellow highschoolers.

"Or does anyone disapprove?" He asked jokingly, to which obviously not one of the guys said anything. He was about to start talking again when mina stood up, speaking sternly, her voice strong and loud after she had released her hands from the ties.

"I do."

He turned around again now, as if he was surprised.
"What was that?" He raised his eyebrows, challenging her as his look became colder.

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