008: pretty girls in distress

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THE STUDENTS arrived in Kyoto around 10:00 AM, the various schools from different parts of Japan streamed out of the trains, making a colourful ant colony at the train station. It seemed as every junior high was currently in Kyoto, weirdly enough.

Surprisingly, when mina had to wake up, she didn't seem to know the position she had slept in, and was a little weirded out at the smirks and knowing looks of her peers.
She only yawned as she, along with everyone else in her group, grabbed their luggage and stepped outside the train, being careful not to loose eachother in the crowd. Mina saw Rio from a little away, waving cheekily.

"Hey, why was everyone staring at us?" Mina asked as she nudged the red-head next to her, still waving rio.

"Huh? No idea... Crazy world." Karma pretended, holding back his smirk as mina raised her eyebrows at him.

Mina's theory was proven true as the class arrived inside their small, (cheap,) traditional inn in comparison to the A-class' luxurious hotel in the middle of the city. The school did like to spend more money on the better students, which wasn't really surprising. The only weird thing was that she hadn't met Gakushu yet. ... Maybe he didn't go along? He still hadn't answered her texts, even after she had called him once.

Every student was looking around the inn, with the majority in the lobby as they had just arrived, and Rio and karma having a race as to who found the dorm rooms first. (In which one was more in a hurry than the other. You can only guess who started it.)

Koro-sensei was currently knocked out on one of the green couches in the lobby as maehara, who was standing behind the coach, asked him how he was managing. While, of course, trying to stab him.

kanzaki, yada, kaede and mina sat on the couch opposite of their teacher's, with mina sitting one of the couch's arms, pouring a glass of water from the small table next to her to give to her teacher. She had one of her legs up, sitting rather comfortably.

"Have you ever thought about maybe sitting inside the train you're traveling with, koro-sensei?" She smiled, handing him the water.

"Mina, please. I am regretting this enough as it already is, don't make me mourn more!" The teacher grumbled, nagging. He found himself happy deep inside as she seemed to warm up with him as he took the water out of her hand.

Mina laughed at that, clearly happier now that they'd get to relax a bit. She opened herself a can of soda on the same table, sipping. The girl chatted with kataoka, who was now also trying to stab him, as she noticed kanzaki next to her seemingly upset.

"Hey, kanzaki, what's up? What are you seeking?" Mina asked, resting her head on her hand and looking at
Distressed girl next to her. Kanzaki was desperately trying to find something inside her backpack. Well, as desperate as you can look while being the prettiest girl in class, obviously.

"My notebook.. I still had it when we were in the train, no?" She mumbled, looking at all the things she had taken out of her backpack.

"I think so." mina answered (just as mumble-y) bluntly, titling her head in confusion.

"Ah, you girls' enthusiasm is refreshing, excellent! But do not worry, my 600 page guide book is everything you'll need!" The teacher stated happily as he waved himself some air, now clearly a bit more relaxed.

Maehara shouted at that, trying to stab him once again. "We take notes because we don't want to carry that thing around, take a hint!"

Mina smiled as two arms grabbed her from behind, holding her upper stomach tightly, pressing their head against her back and making her raise her can, not to spill it.

"Woah-ah, Rio!" She exclaimed, starting to laugh.

"I didn't even get to say hi after we arrived because that stupid carrot head challenged me and I, of course, had to impress you, the love of my life!" She sighed theatrically, hugging her friend even tighter.

Mina half heartedly grinned at that, "Rio, relax, I can hardly breath."

"Perfect." The blonde answered as the other race contestant walked into the lobby towards the students.

"Kinky, but I won't judge." The red-headed boy smirked as he leaned against the door frame, moving his gaze to their creature teacher.

"So, teach', when do we get to go outside? I can't wait to assassinate you, it will be so fun!~"

Karasuma, who had just finished checking them in and dragging a particular complaining English teacher along, looked at his students as he massaged his palms.

"You all will leave your baggage inside the assigned rooms. Boys and girls are parted, the class presidents will keep track of the keys. Isogai, kataoka, I will expect you two to be responsible. That includes everyone else, is that understood?" He let his eyes travel through the room, hanging on one particular boy a little longer.

"After that's done, you will meet up in your assigned groups and do the things listed on this plan, I want everyone to have this done, okay? We will meet in the lobby, in this exact spot at 4:00 PM, and that's 4:00 PM sharp. Then there will be dinner." He finished off his explaining, scanning everyone once more.
"I want all of you to behave and act civil."

>>> authors note
This chapter is shorter than expected, mainly because I want to have the events of the next one all in one place. It will go feral.

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