021: self-made pool

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KORO-SENSEI LED HIS students down the other side of the hill, jumping and singing summer songs. The temperature was way too high to study properly, koro-sensei had said, so they would go to their very own refreshment. He didn't tell his students what they were going to do, but he told them to wear their school bathing suits, so it was pretty clear.

"It's so hot!" Mina complained after a while, sighing as she walked in the front along nagisa and sugino.

"I think that's just me, princess, sorry." A familiar red-head swung his arm around her shoulders, smirking.

She rolled her eyes before targeting their teacher "Why again couldn't we have left him there, koro-sensei?"

"This is a class activity, mina-chan!" He gasped dramatically, making sugino try and stab him with his knife.

"There's a pool in the main building, is it not? I assume we aren't allowed to use it? Ritsu, who was held by nagisa and programmed herself the school swimsuit as well, asked.

"Mhm," Mina hummed, still under the red haired boy's arm "The main building pool is usually used by class-A around this time. They get it for around 3 hours if I'm correct, then class-B for 2, Class-C for 1, you get what I mean." The brunette explained with an understanding look.

"Man, the last summer wasn't doable without the pool." Kaede frowned, remembering her despair over her beloved pudding melting all the time.

Mina's eyes saddened as she looked down, there was that guilty feeling again. She smiled, trying to cheer them up. "Well, uh, I'm sure this summer will be great though!"

"Aww your optimism is adorable!~" karma teased, titling his head before getting hit on the shoulder by mina.

"It will!" Kaede answered the girl, looking at okajima at the very end, holding his camera, before sweat dropping. Expect for him! Was pretty much the thought of every girl there.

"What a creep." Hinata mumbled, a shiver running down her spine.

"Oh Mina, by the way, where's Rio?" Sugino asked weirdly nervous, rubbing his neck.

"Rio?" Mina raised her eyebrows at him "oh! She's in the very back. Don't be too hard on her, though, she's still sad about the whole Itona thing, I think." The girl smiled sheepishly.

Koro-sensei turned around now, stopping the class from walking further while smiling mischievously.
"There we are!" He stepped aside, opening a few bushes and revealing a big, natural, pool.

It was more of a pond, stoney and plastered with moos. There were three rows for swimming individually and space on the left and right side of them, it was really pretty!

The students squealed and gasped, pulling their jackets off and jumping inside the water, laughing and chatting. Including the red-head, who let go off her shoulder and dragged nagisa into the water.
Mina smiled, walking to one of two white sun lounges (the other one being occupied by hazama, who was reading) , attempting to pull her jacket off.

The girl held the zipper of the dark blue jacket, happily chatting with hazama about her book while moving the zipper down to about neck length before noticing a pair of eyes on her. She sweat dropped before looking to her side, noticing a weirdly anticipated okajima with his long camera.

"Um, What are you doing..?" Mina asked bluntly after a while, keeping her hand at the zipper.

Okajima answered without looking away from the lense, happily "Nothing."


"Nothing." He ended, making the others around him look at the scenery as well, sheepishly. Karma smirked- about to tackle the boy to keep him from his actions, before koro-sensei interrupted, taking okajima's camera away.

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