019: top or bottom?

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THE STUDENTS STOOD on the school field, scattered around Their PE teacher as they noticed another man right behind him.

"Yo! Karasuma!" The man was rather large and muscular, and had a smile on his face, carrying multiple bags.

Takaoka, as he introduced himself, sat one the blue blanket he brought along, taking various sweets and cakes out of the bag and scattered them around himself. The students surrounded them, some sitting on the blanket and others hovering over it.
Mina and karma stood rather to the side, the girl only crossing her arms behind herself and watching the spectacle with a smile.

"I-is that really okay? everything looks so expensive!" Isogai asked, hovering over Rio while looking at The man with a worried expression.

"Yes, yes! Of course! Eat like you want
To see me go bankrupt!" He laughed, hitting his stomach "I'm quite a sugar lover myself." He posed cutely, making mina's classmates laugh.

"Woah, You're not like karasuma-sensei at all! You're like a friendly dad!" Kaede happily commented, eating a muffin.

"Well then!" Takaoka Sensei said, squeezing Rio and isogai "we share a classroom from now on, so just see me as your dad! We're technically family!" His deep laugh echoed again, making most of the students giggle along.

Karma nudged the girl next to him slightly, yawning.
"God, he's so fake it's tiring."

"Really?" The girl raised her eyebrows before looking at him again, crossing her arms "I mean he seems nice, doesn't he?"

"Nah, you're being too naive," he slipped his hands into his pockets, starting to smirk "hey, princess, let's skip. I don't want you around this psycho anyway."

The brunette turned her head again quickly, looking at him with disbelief "Wha- I don't skip, akabane!" She whisper-yelled.

Karma grinned, shrugging "well, it's either skipping with me or PE with him," he pointed at their substitute teacher "so choose wisely." He began walking into the forest, grinning and knowing that she'd follow him in a bit. Takaoka wasn't a good option.

Mina waited a bit, conflicted, before running after the red-head? "I never skipped before. God, you're a bad influence!" She glared at him when finishing her sentence as she catches up with him, walking next to him.

The girl carefully planted each step, not wanting to step on any animal nor get poisoned by one.
"Where are we going, anyway?"

He smirked at her panic, closing his eyes as he sighed "Relax, princess. It's not like I'm going to stab you or anything."

"Well, this could turn into human trafficking and I literally wouldn't be surprised- can you please answer where we're going now?" Mina ranted before asking again.

"To my secret spot." He answered, winking at her before walking past her.

"Alright, Nevermind, this is DEFINITELY going to turn into human trafficking."

The duo arrived at a tall cliff. The gray stone sharpened to a triangle wide into the sky, almost melting in with the light blue skyline and the white clouds. The forest hadn't ended until the stone began, and karma stopped in front of a tall tree before starting to climb.

It was breathtaking. When the red-head had said 'secret spot' mina thought of a cave, a dead tree, or even an ant hill to step on. Not something that could be drawn and printed on a postcard.

"Are you coming?" karma's playful voice brought her back into reality, as he was now sitting on one of the lower branches and holding a hand down to her.

a bunny's heart | karma akabane Where stories live. Discover now