033: depression

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THEY WERE DOOMED from the start, actually.

The moment the water calmed down more and Koro-sensei wasn't detectable anywhere, there was a slight feeling of victory, yes. But I think deep down mina always knew that this wasn't the way her teacher would die.
This wasn't the day the yellow octopus, missioned to destroy the earth, named koro, would go down.

"Did we.. get him?" The brunette brought out breathy as she scanned at the water for any sign of life.

Everyone did that. It was like the feeling in the final phase of a game of Tag, only more intense.
Precisely thinking, these 15 year olds should be more familiar with the Tag type feeling instead of the assassination type feeling.

But this was literally the 'assassination classroom', so what chances are there, really?

Karasuma and Irina ran down the wooden shore swiftly. The dizziness made their loud footsteps almost unreal.

"Be careful! He could still be out there!" The PE teacher hit his arm into the air, also drifting his eyes over the blue ocean Infront of him. He wasn't really sure wether or not this was the day his job would end.

"Oh.. guys, look!" Kaede's overtaking voice suddenly behind mina as the girl pointed at a bubbling area of the water.

Truth was that mina didn't really know that kaede was behind her on the speedboat from earlier. But that was understandable, really. The teenagers of Kunugigaoka were in trance, too focused on the events to notice the presences around themselves.
Mina couldn't tell you where Rio, the red-head, nagisa, okuda or anyone of that matter was if you asked her.
However, they all did exactly the same thing, stare at the bubbles nervously.

Koro-sensei's dead body didn't swim up that moment, although that probably would be interesting to witness, and neither did Koro-sensei's normal body.

Instead, only seconds after, the thing swimming up was a light crystal ball. It was shiny, and you could see the inside only after squinting your eyes.

Koro-sensei's head.

Koro-sensei's head..?

Koro-sensei's head, for Christ's sake.

"...and then I materialise the energy and form an unbreakable crystal ball!" Koro-sensei, or at least his head, explained enthusiastically. He surprisingly didn't seem tense or nervous anymore.


"But, koro-sensei!" Kurahashi, who was somewhere opposite of mina, complained with worried eyes "If you stay in that form, we can't kill you!"

"Well, dear kurahashi, sadly it's not that simple or easy." He started off, although taking the yellow octopus face trapped in a ball was hard "this effect merely lasts for 24 hours, the energy used runs out by then... But I'm fully defended until then!" Koro-sensei ended in a singsong voice.
Looking up only to see the defeated looks of his students.

They had planned this for days, weeks. And even though mina felt too exhausted to be truly sad, she could feel her shoulders slumber down.
Was there any way they could kill him before graduation?

Yes, no government officials had ever come this close to assassinating koro-sensei, but knowing that even though they checked countless of times, thought it through repeatedly, he did have a trick up his sleeve in the end felt incredibly depressing. That feeling of apathy wasn't something the girl could articulate at the moment, but her stomach was in knots, and she wanted nothing more than just fall into her hotel bed and sleep for an eternity to wake up at home again.

Silence fell over the class- mina swam (with whatever energy she had left) to the deck's wooden poles to not drown accidently.
The assassination had failed.

Her classmates also slowly seemed to make their way to the mainland. The people on the boats being quicker, as they just had to step off.

A particular red haired boy walked towards the water as soon as his feet reached the wood. He walked past mina in the water and kneeled on one of his legs before grabbing into the water.

The usual, devious smirk overtook karma's face as he held onto Koro-sensei's new form tightly.
"That means we can do whatever we want with him, guys. Lighten up." He spoke with a sadistic hint, in a way that made his classmates imagine him with devil's horns.

Mina smiled at that, if only slightly. She couldn't help but awe how he didn't seem phased by all of this. For mina, failure was a scary word from a very young age. But the boy only grinned as he usually did, brilliantly. Of course he was disappointed, that was pretty clear. (Or to mina, it was, at least.) But he hid it for his cohort's sake.

He lifted the tense mood for a moment, and most importantly, and even if she would never admit that, he made her feel like everything would be fine eventually.

"Hey! Karma, no! Don't do anything!" koro-sensei yelled panicking, although his voice was quieter than usual.

The brunette chuckled slightly, even if the fog around her heart stayed. She raised an eyebrow, looking up at karma on the deck. "Question- what exactly are you doing?"

The boy's grin grew bigger as he turned his head to mina, winked, and looked into the crowd made of his classmates.

He scanned his surroundings before lifting his arm and throwing koro-sensei into the hands of okuda at the very back. She stumbled in her attempt to catch him, blushed furiously, and looked up to her red-haired crush.

"Okuda-chan!~ hide him in the algae for me, will you?" The red-head yelled, attempting to appear innocent.

Nagisa smiled sheepishly, Rio snorted, terasaka scoffed. It was like everything was as usual. But not only were they not in a tokyo classroom, but had just experienced the biggest mistakes of their path so far.

The teenagers returned to the beach now, one after one.
The sappy mood after karma's cheer up act changed back into the previous, exhausted one. And the joke was soon forgotten. For their despair, though, they couldn't just forget the fact that their teacher was pressed into a ball.

Mina pushed herself off the ground, onto the wood. Or at least did so before a hand appeared in her dizzy view.

"Let's go, princess."

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