017: wipped baseball captain

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SUGINO CAME INTO class anxious that day. Although the rainy time was over and summer was about to reach it's peak, which should be more than enough reason for a good mood, he ended his story of what happened with the baseball club the prior day with an upset expression.

"I see... So the school has a baseball tournament where each class fights against eachother. Physical activity is good for your soul, is it not?" Koro-sensei smiled and explained loudly as isogai behind him wrote on the cupboard "But, eh, why exactly is the E-class missing from the tournament plan?" He held the plan up sheepishly.

Mina chimed in, holding her chin curiously before explaining the order bluntly.
"Oh, I think I remember the tournament from last year. It's a pretty new thing, koro-sensei. Gakushu suggested it to make exchange students from the west, America specifically, feel more welcomed. We had a debate about that!" She clapped her hands once, smiling "the plan was designed by araki, i think."

"Araki, Mina-chan?" Nagisa asked curiously.

"Oh sorry." She smiled gently, "You know, the guy with green hair and glasses, from the big five? As far as I know, he's also gonna be commenting the game as the president of the broadcasting club." The brunette shrugged.

"I debated against that, but the E-class isn't allowed to play in the normal games due to gakushu's wish. I think his point was that there's one extra class anyway, so the E-class is sorted into the last phase, the exhibition. Against the school's baseball team. And, well, the girls play against the school's basketball team."

Mina shivered at the thought of playing against the basketball team, Marie was in there. She played basketball since they joined junior high, and, to be fair, was pretty good at it. She never played too much, mainly because, and I quote, "she didn't want to get too bulky" but twice a week wasn't very little either. Marie also had her two best friends, Katarina (,who was an exchange student from the Netherlands) and Ruby join her. So this was going to get tough.

The students looked back to koro-sensei, feeling a burden of the usual discrimination they faced on their hearts. This was cruel, because it was mainly just there to make fun of the E-class, who are forced to play against much stronger enemies, of course it was. But it was the way Kunugigaoka worked.

"God, you know so much about these main building nerds that it's disgusting!" Terasaka was the First to comment, resting his legs on his table.

"Well, uh," mina quieted down, feeling as If she maybe had said too much before she looked down at her table "they're my friends.." she mumbled.

Karma only raised his eyes at the situation, remembering the walk to school they had a few weeks ago when she had first joined.
He'd cheer her up later on.

Koro-sensei noticed the tension, keeping his happy demeanour.
"So the same as always, hm?"

"Right." Isogai smiled, having finished writing.

"We're out. We're not going to get humiliated again, suit yourself." The delinquent waved with his hand, leaving along his two friends.

Mina stared at her desk continuously, feeling getting smaller and smaller in a way that she felt like she was responsible for this. She didn't decide this, she wasn't the whole A-class, but here, on top of this hill, she was their representative. And it hurt. It hurt considering their actions against her friends here.

Okuda, who sat in front of the girl, turned around to shoot her a comforting smile as sugino spoke up.

"Terasaka's right. We have no chance of winning, koro-sensei. The baseball team is fantastic, I was in it myself. We won even against teams all across Tokio. Especially their captain, shindo. All highschools in the country are observing him for his fast-Ball, and he's good at sport and school at the same time!" Sugino mumbled sadly, his eyes determine with shine right after as he looked at koro-sensei.

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