039: Collin.

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For god's sake, Collin was here. Island nemesis Collin whom Mina hadn't titled a total jerk yet, only because she thought it harsh. Beach volleyball entrepreneur Collin who apparently liked to bully nervous girls.

She didn't know why he was here, or why Finn and timid were nowhere to be seen. But something about his presence terrified her, especially since nagisa left her alone a while ago.

He was laughing with some other rich kids, going through his hair with one hand. He was leaning his back against the bar counter, holding a glass filled with whatever that orange-Green liquid was.
The boy was wearing a dark grey summery shirt, one that covered the majority of what he had shown on the beach. A pair of shorts and a few silver rings, as if to decorate.
His snobby blue eyes travelled across the room.

They travelled across the room before they came to stop, catching mina's. He stared at the girl, as if to realise who was standing before him, and then started smirking so stupidly again. Collin smirked so stupidly that it was raising her adrenaline, and when she was pushed by a dancer behind her towards him, she had no choice but to acknowledge him, too.


"Well, well, well," Collin interrupted the failing attempt of a conversation starter. He put his cocktail glass on the counter before taking a steps towards mina. He crossed his arms, cracking his knuckles once.

"Mina," her name sounded so utterly wrong out of his mouth, it was fascinating "little mina who struggled with volleyball, apparently." He ended his greeting, smiling fakely.

She was about to comment when he interrupted her again- "you know what, little mina? Finn came to me this afternoon and told me how I absolutely must apologise to you for yesterday. Which is interesting, because I did not have the intent to hurt you! How, really, did I offend you? Please inform me."

"You," mina breathed in shakily. The girl was feeling a clump in her throat forming. Which, in retrospective, she found really pathetic. "You don't need to apologise. It was stupid, Finn offered."

The girl spoke much too quietly, considering that there was loud music hammering in her ears. he understood her though, weirdly enough. For once in his life. And that verbally.

"No," Collin insisted, his smile- smirk, snigger? Grew bigger by the second. Finally, to top of the insult. He lightly put his hand on mina's cheek, looking down at her. "I insist."

It was repulsive, the girl could feel her eyes getting watery.

Suddenly, Mina remembered what karasuma told them during lunch after some PE session: freaking out wouldn't help, no matter what.
She remembered that he told them to breathe.

So she breathed, In and out, in and out. Blinked her tears away, breathed.

She started speaking, trying her voice not to break.
"Why do you hate me, Collin?"

Karma knew something was wrong from the start.

Doesn't matter If you define the start as in 'when he saved her from falling on the ground' or 'when they were at the beach bar' or even 'when from 20 minutes ago'.
He knew it.

The group of girls (and nagisa, of course) were taking way too long. The plan by koro-sensei stated that they wouldn't take longer than ten minutes to open the door and led the rest of the group through, everyone knew something wasn't going the way it was supposed to.
The anxiety in that hallway was raising, they couldn't loose even more friends.
Some were sitting in the ground by now, or leaning against a wall, or humming into the air.

"Ugh! What's taking them so long?!" Terasaka nagged, frustrated. He ran a hand through his buzz cut-y hair, making his peers more agitated by the second.

Karma was one of those who leaned against a wall. He crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows at terasaka.

He wasn't as annoyed or irritated as terasaka was, he knew that the girls in his class could handle themselves. Terasaka believed in some 1950's stereotyping when it came to physical strength between the sexes- but that was stupid, obviously. They all got trained by the same government official man. And karma saw mina or kataoka kick karasuma's ass, especially if they were working in teams.

That didn't mean he wasn't worried, though. A little bit, a tiny little bit, but still. The red haired boy sighed, closing his eyes.

"Now, now, terasaka. We must stay calm! That's the number one motto in missions like this." Koro-sensei spoke up, lying next to Kimura on the floor. He was still smiling, probably the most gleeful of all of them. As expected.

Terasaka was about to shout something when the group heard a loud coughing from behind them.

Karasuma appeared visibly, for his students to see. He was holding his stomach, and limping slightly, but he seemed back on his feet after that gas attack. Kimura beamed, as excited as ever. Koro-sensei jumped in on that, making the two speak at once.

"Karasuma-sensei!" Both yelled, kimura picking koro-sensei off the ground as he sprinted towards the injured PE teacher.

Soon, all the students who were there in that very hallway assembled around him. Of course, that left out quite a bit. And karasuma, although hurt, was quick back on his feet as the group leader.
He looked around, noticed the missing girls, and a dangerous sparkle appeared in his big, dark brown eyes. He stared at koro-sensei and began speaking. Very, very carefully.

"What.did.you.do?" He didn't even greet them first, which made Koro-sensei squint under his eyes and shout for yoshida to help him scaredy.

"Well, uh, it's l-like that-" koro-sensei tried to explain as karasuma walked closer. Sure, the teacher was in an indestructible glass ball, but for one it didn't occur to him. And, most importantly, the octopus was terrified of what would happen when he'd have to leave the ball eventually.

Karma interrupted his teacher nonchalantly, and with a small grin "koro-sensei told the girls to go explore this floor and find the entrance to the next once. Now they've been gone for over-" he looked at his watch, which laid around his wrist neatly next to a very specific hair tie, and read the time "24.37 minutes, and we're all freaking out. Some more than others, obviously."

Karasuma raised his eyebrows, looked at the red haired boy confused. Karma turned in an attempt to walk away before remembering something, looking back at karasuma and his friends, and snipping his fingers
"Oh, and, I forced nagisa to cosplay and follow them into the club in some alt girl outfit. You can beat me up for it, I don't care." His grin grew bigger, sensing an opportunity "that was worth a couple bruises."

"Alright," Karasuma sighed before massaging his temples "alright, fuck it. Karma, you're up."

"What?" Did karasuma just swear?

"Go in there and search for everyone. Get them back, and find the damn door!"

Wow, he did. For the first time. Twice.

"A little bossy, but okay."

"Okay?" Karasuma asked with suprise "just okay?"

He never thought it would be that easy.

"One condition," A small laugh made it's way up karma's throat, as he knew what he was about to say. He grabbed Chiba, who was standing next to him, by the collar (lightly, of course) and dragged him towards them. "He's coming along."



And so karma ended up on the very same partying floor that his soon-to-be nemesis stood on.

This brings up back memories.

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