028: weirdo equivalent of a Midlife-Crisis

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THE SHIP SEALED over Japan's sea peacefully. Everyone was placed on the ship's deck, excitedly watching the island starting to appear in the far horizon.
Mina grabbed onto the railing, brightly smiling at the view in front of her as conversations and chats around her suddenly muffled. Her eyes saw nothing but black.

"Mhm, who am I?" two hands lightly held her eyes close- a playful whisper appearing next to her ear.

"The person who just ruined my view with their crusty hands, Akabane." She remarked, a slight smile returning on her lips as she removed the hands from her face to look at him.
She knew it was him from the get-go, surprisingly.

Karma wore summery clothes too- and excluding the day he was sick and wore a comfortable at-home-outfit, that was the first time the girl saw him in something else than that (not dresscode following) uniform of his. He wore a dark-red, into gray falling shirt that was only buttoned to about shoulder length and a pair of black pants. Pretty basic, as his hair was also just falling into his face as usual.

"Crusty hands? I beg to differ, princess. My hands are very admirable." He grinned down at her, holding his hands up quickly.

His hands were soft- but that was a topic for another day. Because mina could feel her cheeks slightly burning when she thought about it. What was up with her lately, anyway?

"Sure, 'believe what you want'." The girl empathised the quoting him, laughing quietly before looking into his eyes again "And, how was the vandalism?"

"Geez, I told you it wasn't vandalism."

"Okay. what was it then?" She argued back with a grin, as her mood was better than usual.

"None of your concern." Karma smirked as he leaned in slightly.

The two teenagers looked at eachother in comfortable silence, admiring the scenery. The staring continued for a little too long as both seemed to loose themselves in eachother's presence. That only stopped when Rio, holding two tall glasses of non-alcoholic cocktails, stumbled towards them.

"Guys, guys!" The blonde laughed as both students quickly shifted their eyes from eachother, emberassed. Mina could feel her cheeks heating again- but quickly shook her head and instead steadied her stumbly friend.

"See, princess, everyone's falling for us." The (now calm) boy joked, gently poking the girls arm with his elbow.

"That was your worst dad joke in a while, actually. Congratulations." The girl rolled her eyes playfully before looking at Rio in her arms, worriedly.

"Are you alright?" Mina laughed quietly, shaking her friend until she stood up again, only having spilled about 1/3 of each drink.

"Yes, I think so.- but if James dean over there," she pointed o karma with her glass "makes a 'daddy' comment now, I will scream."

"You know me so well, Nakamura~" karma argues back as the blonde girl hands her friend the drink, scoffing.

"What's a daddy comment?" Mina asked blunty, blinking at her friend only to make her smile and the boy next to her completely loose it.

"My sweet innocent child," Rio jokingly commented, smiling at the girl half-heartedly before getting interrupted by their homeroom teacher.

"I hate human transportation!" Koro-sensei cried in agony, gripping onto the ship as if his life depended on it. Their teacher had turned blue in some parts of his face- and maehara desperately shook him with a panicking voice.

"I swear to god octopus if you throw up on me!-"

"Woah.." kurahashi mumbled as she spinned around in awe, looking around the lobby of their hotel.

Karasuma-sensei was currently checking in, having Irina clung onto his arm ad koro-sensei Out of sight. The rest of the class mainly looked around the lobby, with the girls of 3-E being more assembled.

Ritsu was in mina's phone yet again, as she did that pretty often now. The humanoid computer signed in every Friday - to watch 'friends' with her classmate, mainly. Mina didn't mind, "the more the merrier!"

Mina was situated a little in the back of their class. Because during those last few weeks after their trip to Kyoto, a little group of friends had formed within the class. Consisting of mina, kaede, Rio, nagisa, karma and sugino. Okuda and kanzaki occasionally, too.

It was interesting, really. That formation likely wouldn't have started if koro-sensei wasn't their teacher.

Mina smiled at the thought.

"So this is where you guys went every summer, mina-chan?"

"Well, uh," the brunette looked at an overly excited kaede, rubbing her head "Not me. But I guess this is where ga- Asano-kun, Marie and my other classmates went. Nice, is it not?"
She still hadn't adjusted to calling her year long friend by his last name again, yet she felt like she had to. She didn't do it all the time, accidentally, obviously- but they hadn't really talked since the exams anyway. Both placed the first place, which was an outcome not expected by either.
Mina's heart hurt when she thought of him. It hurt bad.

"Hey, guys! Check this out, there are like a bunch of tourist shops here!" Rio called out enthusiastically in the middle of their conversation, making kaede, mina and Ritsu surround her. She was holding a brochure, as it seemed.

"Okay from what I've got from this info text-" Rio started, getting interrupted by karma a few metres behind them.

"You can read?" The boy yelled rather jokingly.

"Will you shut it, red riding hood?" She glared at him, making mina giggle slightly, before smiling again.
"Anyways. So from what I've learned, we're currently in our hotel, obviously. The Kunugigaoka residents each year get thirty rooms accommodating the highest standard, third floor. Because we got one more teacher this year, they will lend us the 31st room."

"See, koro-sensei? You don't have to sleep in the lobby!" Mina empathetically shouted to her suffering teacher, trying to cheer him up. Koro-sensei was forced to get into his humanoid costume even though of his sea sickness, by karasuma-sensei obviously. It was flimsier than usual, but the octopus had other concerns. The homeroom teacher of 3-E was, after throwing up just inches away from maehara on the ship, melting into his seat in the lobby.

"EURGHH-" he only gave out a muffled and painful, unidentifiable sound as he melted yet more.

"Give it up, princess. He's going through his weirdo equivalent of a Midlife-Crisis." The smirking red-head suddenly appeared behind the girl, throwing his arm over her shoulder once again. She only looked back at her teacher quickly before sighing.
"What's the rest, Rio?"

The girl scoffed at the interruption before continuing.
"Well, Okay, so we have to check out the beach- But FYI, they have a bunch of pools! Also, they have boats and water board and ice cream-"

"YUZU ICE CREAM?" Hara shouted cheerfully from the front of the line, making Rio snap.


>>>Author's note
Over 1K reads guys I'm doing back flips rn 🤸

1187 WORDS

a bunny's heart | karma akabane Where stories live. Discover now