006: field trip to Kyoto

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"SWEETIE, ARE you sure you'll be okay? Do you have everything??" Hori hold her daughter's face, looking into her deerbrown eyes with nothing else than love (and a lot of joy) before smiling.

Mina stood at the doorstep of their shared house, being hovered over by none other than her own mother at 5:30 AM sharp. Today was an exiting day, her first school trip (that included sleeping over night!!) and that with the new friends she found.
The A class, of course, had school trips before. But, A, they weren't funded by the school, and, B, mina was ill during the last one.

Rio and her had texted the whole night through, the young girl being too excited to sleep. She was returning her mother's smile with just as much love, holding her on-shoulder, brown messenger bag with one hand and dragging her black suitcase along with the other one.

"Yes, mom. I have everything, I promise." She took her mother's hands into her own, calming her.
"Oh! Also, I did meal prep for the time I'm away, but if you cant figure something out or don't know how something works, i will have my phone on at all times. And, and-" Mina ranted, listing things with her fingers before her mother's laugh interrupted her.

"It's okay, sweetie, I got it! I'm an adult, you know?" She said in between laughters.

"Yeah, Mina! Your mom's not a toddler, hah!" Lady youko's voice came from inside the house, the old woman having shown up for breakfast earlier. Getting to say her goodbyes to her favourite teenager was just an extra.

"Yes, sorry lady youko! I will be on my way now, the bus is coming!" Mina rushes off, quickly kissing her mom's cheek beforehand. "Love you mom!"

Mina ran along her usual school path, only walking one or two different streets before arriving at the train station they'd be leaving from.
She walked down a couple of stairs before finally standing on the platform standing on her ticket. There were a couple of students assembled, most of them from the main building.

Mina could see kaede's green hair from afar, the sweet girl was chatting happily with her best friend. So that's where her class was.
Obviously, not all students left with the same train and not all students enjoyed the same privileges regarding over night stay and such. The school was just happier to fund their better students, that was understandable. To some degree, at least.

Just as mina was about to make her way to them, she was held back by a particular blonde.
It was Marie. Of course it was. She had her blonde hair done, (beautifully, Mina had to admit.) She wore some expensive dress-set from one of the many fashion brands in her closet, her cream purse was hanging from her forearm, and Mina could see some boy holding her suitcase for her, seemingly pleased to do so.

"Mina-chan! Hey, long time no see! Hm?" Marie smiled bitterly sweet, tightening her grip around mina's arm. She opened her eyes, revealing her crystal gray orbs. "I saw the test results. You were the top girl in our school, weren't you? Well isn't that exciting! Just like in old times," she giggled slightly, and mina couldn't help but feel a bit scared of the girl.

"U-Uhm, yeah, I think.." the brunette mumbled, stepping a bit back from the blonde before trying to remove her arm from the girl's grip, failing.
The people around, some of them including mina's old classmates. The same people having asked her for her homework or had wished her a good day, now whispering behind their hands.

"Well, I just wanted to wish you a happy trip, that's all!" Marie finished, still smiling mischievously before letting go of mina's wrist, making her stumble back.

"Thanks.." mina whispered, resentful, before rubbing her arching wrist and starting to turn around.

"Oh, mina, sweetheart? Tell your mother what a good job she did at removing that nasty dust from my shoe collection the last time she visited us, yes? I'm sure she will be glad to here." Marie shouted happily, making a few classmates around them giggle.

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