041: missing eachother

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KARMA AKABANE AND MINA HAYASHI hadn't talked in two weeks.

It was showing, and weird, too. Everyone around them thought that they'd surely make up in a few hours, they just needed a bit to cool off. But, no, they hadn't even shared a look.

When karma fought against the second assassin during their mission, when they returned to their friends after the mission, when mina hugged Rio like there was no tomorrow, when they set up a date between Irina & Karasuma, when koro-sensei send them into that cave.

The two people who usually sticked together as If they were one, avoided eachother like they'd the pest in medieval France. Normally, wherever mina was, karma was. and wherever karma was, she was. It just worked that way.

When it didn't, their friends grew concerned.


"Why don't you just apologise?" Rio raised her eyebrows, confused.

The blonde currently laid in mina's hotel bed, sitting against a few pillows that pressed against the bed wall.
After the group had returned with the Anti-Virus, their ill friends recovered quickly. Some of them still had flushed faces and sneezed occasionally, but nothing major.
Neither did Rio.

Mina, on the other hand, walked up and down her room. This had been going on for thirty minutes.

"No, Rio!" She came to a halt, pressing her fists together and staring at her best friend with a frustrated look in her eyes. "If I apologise, my dignity will be destroyed. I wasn't wrong! Well.. right? I mean, it was stupid of him, right?"

"Well.." Rio crossed her arms, hesitating.


"Sorry, sorry!" Rio quickly apologised, waving her hands in the air for defense. "But you do know about what his teacher said to him after he beat up those bullies, don't you think you could've stated your opinion a bit less.. harsh?"

Mina stared at her best friend before letting out a big, exhausted sigh. She let her back slide down the end of the hotel bed, leaning against it while sitting on the ground.

"I know.. " the brunette mumbled, defeated. "But I can't apologise so quickly. It will look like I miss him,"

"Oh," Rio smiled mischievously "but you do miss him."

"As if!" Mina's cheeks heated up as she sent her best friend a daggering stare. "He doesn't have to know that, anyway." The girl rested her head on her knees as she wrapped her hands around them.

"Ah, young love~" Rio mumbled, more to herself.

And then, quiet.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes. The duo rarely did that, but when they did, it was nice. Rio usually broke the silence with a dumb joke or funny anecdote- but when one of them felt really down, she stayed silent too.

An outsider could look at the situation and easily comment how, when they sat so far in complete silence, they might as well sit alone.

But Rio and Mina didn't work like that.
Knowing that the other one had a shoulder to cry on, a comforting smile or just a calm presence was comforting.
Mina was convinced that if the world ended, she would just sit in a room with Rio and watch everything.

Of course, usually, the room would also include her mom, lady youko, Irina, and... Karma.

Their thoughts got interrupted when mina's door flew open to reveal an excited kaede. At which mina would have usually screamed at, another cause for concern.

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