029: insecurities.

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RIO CAME OUT of the connected bathroom to mina's hotel room, wearing the light purple bikini.

Mina on the other hand, kneeling before her suitcase, sorting her clothes into the closet for the three days, smiled at her friend.

"And? Does it still look as gorgeous as on the day we brought it?" Rio wiggled with her eyebrows before throwing her hair back at the answer.

"Mhm. Well, but, I mean.. there's not really a way where it wouldn't look exactly the same, is there?" The brunette raised her eyebrows.

"What?!" Rio gasped "Of course! That happens literally all the time- don't tell me you haven't experienced that yet." The girl sighed before throwing herself on mina's bed, moving onto her side, and looking down at the girl.

"You buy a beautiful, summery dress. It's discounted, it fits you perfectly, literally! You buy it, go home, look through your closet a few weeks afterwards- and it looks ugly as hell! You have no idea why you brought it!"

Mina laughed at the dramatic story telling, titling her head as she finished the last folded t-shirt, a bright smile on her face.
The girl was excited, definitely.

"You have very big problems, As I see." She replied jokingly, a hint of sarcasm in her voice as the two friends only stared at eachother for a moment or two.

"Alright, now, take your clothes off!"

"I'm sorry?"

The brunette could feel the warm sand in-between her toes. The ocean breeze was calming, yet the noise of happy hotel guests interrupted every so often.
Mina could feel herself irritated as she held her upper body in a hugging-like position, hiding the light pink bikini top.

As it seemed, Rio had bought the bikini mina had argued against buying a couple of weeks ago. Now the girl was standing there, more exposed than usual, wrapped in her small white knitted jacket- cheeks bright red.

"I can't believe you went out with my mom, without me, by the way!- and you just bought me a bikini I didn't want to buy. That was really- hey, Rio, are you even listening!?" She yelled desperately, hugging herself even tighter.

Rio, on the other hand, was watching a couple of surfers (men and women, surprisingly) hanging out at the cocktail bar a while away, lovey dovey.
She shook her head, looking back at her best friend with a now amused face.

"Relax, you look gorgeous! You also wore a swimsuit before, when we Went to the pool, remember? what's so different?" The blonde nudged the girl next to her slightly, trying to get her to ease up.

"That was different!"

It was different, to be fair. That was the school's swimming suit, and when Kunugigaoka wasn't so traditional of a school that they had the girl's skirts go to the knee, they still, of course, kept them pretty mild. Mina didn't have a problem with swimming suits in general, her motto was that everyone was wearing them when they were needed, but maybe she just didn't see herself in a modern attire like this. The girl never really cared about being trendy, wear very pretty clothes- until recently, that is. Maybe it was because she knew she couldn't live the extent of it, like other girls her age. Marie or Rio could pull it off- she couldn't. At least by her own opinion.

The bikini was pretty, though. It was light pink and had lace on it's top, A small silver heart jewelry on it's bottom. Thinking about it, maybe this was a chance to feel beautiful for once.

It wasn't that bad, it wasn't like mina wasn't conventionally attractive enough- she was, talking otherwise wouldn't be fair. But that wasn't the thing she saw in the mirror, because, for a fact, she didn't look in the mirror. She completely ignored the mirror.
She looked into her, into her loved one's life problems, and into ways to solve them.

She always admired people like Rio or Marie, any of of her female classmates really. Because, in fact, even when this exact type of person likes to talk themselve down, in mina's eyes, they were the most beautiful people on earth.
Smiling, thriving, people.

"Whatever you say," Rio sighed before getting an idea, "hey, look, let me get that."

The blonde swiftly, but gentle enough, grabbed the jacket that was wrapped around her friend and pulled it off, much to mina's distress.
The brunette looked down at the ground, a little anxious as she only half heartedly let the jacket slip off her.

"God, alright.." mina mumbled under her breath, covering her face with one hand "Is there anyone we know yet?" She asked, timidly.

"Well, uh.. I think bitch-sensei is flirting with the bartender, closely followed by yada, who's seemingly trying to reenact that with his son," Rio let out a quick huff as she let her eyes travel across the beach residents.
"Well, the rest's pretty much still getting settled.- Kaede's building a sandcastle. Oh, and I think Isogai, maehara, kataoka and sugino are getting ready to play beach volleyball with some foreigners! Wanna join?" She turned around to mina again, smilingly asking as she noticed the girl secretly trying to get the jacket back out of Rio's grib as she explained.

"Hey! No, Young lady, forget it!"

"Come on Rio!" Mina cried out before mentally pouting. She steadied her back, wiping imaginary dust off her thighs, and looking at her blonde friend with a determined look. Mind you, it still having a tint of anxiety.
"Let's play. Let's get my mind off things."

"..please." she quickly added out of courtesy, making rio giggle.

"Oh, you guys want to play?" Isogai asked curiously before taking a big breath, blowing up the plastic ball.

They were currently getting ready for the game. It wasn't a big thing, merely something under friends.

"Well, I dunno, ladies. I mean volleyball can get pretty hard." Maehara added as he rubbed the back of his head, making Rio scoff.
"Kataoka can handle it, thus her being a tomboyish, possible butch lesbian-"

"Hey!" Kataoka, who sat in the sand, smiled a little as she yelled.

"What? It's the truth! Anyhow, sorry but-"

"Nope! You guys can play, totally!" Suddenly, Sugino appeared behind maehara, kicking him off into the sand next to kataoka, and smiling weirdly wide. The boy seemed nervous, fidgeted with his body. He kept looking at Rio, too, making the blond only raise an eye at him.

Mina covered her upper body with her arms again, especially the cleavage, smiling at the situation Infront of her. Being under friends did make her nervosity smaller.

"You..Sure?" Rio stuttered with a whiff of shock in her voice, looking back at the baseballer.

"Hey, dude, what the hell!" Maehara, who had landed on his butt, shouted before groaning.
"Fine, whatever. Just don't complain."

"Great! Who are we playing with?" Mina smiled brightly, her bubbly voice in contrast to maehara's. The girl's eyes were shining as kataoka titled her head with a gentle smile of adoration.

"Well, Sugino over here met some old baseball friends from the states earlier. I think he wanted to introduce us." Isogai replied kindly, having now finished the ball.

"Konnichiwa, ladies, gentlemen!!" a sudden loud, charming voice interrupted them.

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1232 WORDS

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