012: sick red-head

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"SO, WAIT, she did what??" Mina asked, unbelievingly furrowing her eyebrows as she looked down on the magazine in her friend's hands.

"She literally told everyone how empathetic she is and then slept with that singer's boyfriend! Unbelievable, he cheated on her with a model." Rio gasped as the two walked into their classroom, mina's head slightly titled to read the article.

"You see, I sent you the apology post from her, look it through when you get home because that whiny bitch-" Rio argued before noticing everyone looking at a big black box in the very end of the class, next to mina's seat.

"Huh?" Mina spoke as she saw the machine looking box, walking towards her desk.

"Very well! As you guys can see, this is your new classmate, her name is Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery, she's from Norway!" Koro-sensei shouted excitedly as he flew inside the classroom to start the class. Everyone had (more or less) sat down at this point.
Just after he had finished speaking, the thin screen on the machine lightened up, revealing a pretty girl with two long, purple ponytails and a monotone expression.

"Shouldn't we welcome her?" Mina mumbled after the whole class had stayed silent, shocked.

"Come on, she's a machine!" Terasaka chimned in after the initial shock, leaning back in his chair.

by the way, where the hell is the red-head? The chair in-between them was empty, so the idiotic boy was probably skipping again.

Mina looked at him after the scoff at the empty seat, unsure what to do now.

"Well, she's still our classmate..." The brunette mumbled quietly, walking to the machine to the point where she was facing the girl on the screen.

"Hey, uh, Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Arisey- no, Artillery. Welcome to our class, i bet we will get to work together just fine!-" the girl ranted, smiling, before getting interrupted by two machine guns coming out of the machine sides. The girl widened her eyes as the guns started shooting BB bullets, making everyone scream and gasp and mina kneel down, holding her head to defend herself from the bullets, clearly scared.

The machine had attacked 16 times that day, making it impossible for the students to learn anything.
And when mina arrived home for the weekend, changing into comfortable clothes and laying on her couch, calling karma to complain to him as well as check on him, the boy didn't sound like he just skipped school because he felt like it.

"And then she just kept on shooting! I mean, who's idea was it to duty a school class with killing and then getting them a machine that doesn't let them do school properly-" the girl ranted before getting interrupted by strong coughing on the other line of the phone, making her sit up.

"Karma, are you sure you're okay?" She asked quickly, the concern in her voice clearly hearable.

"Aww, how cute! You're worried about me, almost like an old married couple." he teased, ending with another cough, making him groan and lean his head back against his bedframe.

She sighed, starting to warn him. "I will hang up, Akabane, I swear to god!"

"Alright, alright, princess. Calm down." He said, which could only make mina imagine his wicked grin. "I just Have a little cold, that's all. No Biggie, you know, I'm pretty tough-" karma explained jokingly before getting hung up on, blinking a few times to comprehend. What is she doing?

The girl put on a couple of jeans shorts and brown boots, complimenting her gray hoodie just enough to make it an outfit. She brushed through her hair roughly and grabbed her phone as well as her wallet and her keys, making her way to the closest store.

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