014: parcel (containing small tentacle boy)'ll be delivered accordingly.

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THE MACHINE TURNED out to have been tied up by terasaka and his friend group over the cours of the weekend, and after that was also defeated by it, koro-sensei decided to download a special program for it to be able to socialise properly. The programmers, of course, tried to remake that mistake, but the machine ultimately fought against it's creators, it had a own will now.

"It" was She now, "She" as in Ritsu, which was the name the class ultimately came up with. She was so advanced that she could play chess with her classmates, 3D- print popular characters from Mangas and shows and discuss any topic that was wanted.
Ritsu was a functioning member of their class now, and she had even made up with mina. Mainly because she printed the girl some colourful plastic flowers and called her pretty with the cutest smile ever (quote).

They were friends now, definitely.

Regarding the two "lovebirds" (called so by Rio), they ended up playing video games deep into the night. Even when mina couldn't get behind most of them, he carefully explained each. Of course he still teased her when he won again in some round of mario kart or super smash bros, but it was still extremely fun, even when she'd never admit that so openly.

She ended up falling asleep on the floor in front of his bed, with her head on the bed itself. Karma fell asleep too, only on his desk's chair after covering the girl with some blanket from his closet.

Mina definitely had some explaining to do when hori returned home after a long shift at the Pierre's place only to see her daughter gone, but after a concerned phone call and some clarification that she was simply at a friend's house and fell asleep at 5:00 AM in the morning on a Saturday, the brunette left a note on the red-head's desk and made her way home.
Mainly to clarify that she was in fact not drunk on some frat boy party all night.


I went home, so don't worry. I left the pain killers on your nightstand. just take them today and tomorrow and you will be fine in no time, trust me.
Also, don't even think about rotting in your bed all day because when you wake up I will have sent you my notes from Friday to copy. Sorry If they're a bit rough, but I literally got shot at so cut me some slack!

Get well soon,
Mina \\\///

Next to her name the girl had drawn a smiling heart holding out a sign saying "take your meds!", but quickly decided to draw over it instead of getting teased for it later.

"And, checkmate!" The girly voice from inside the machine happily called out as it used one mechanic arm to win against the desperate Chiba on his chessboard.

Mina stood next to her classmates, laughing at Their antics. The warm feeling from closeness was back, and it felt great.
She turned to the door as she saw a certain red-head walk on the hill out of the window. Slowly walking to the door to catch him before the lesson.

The brunette leaned against the doorframe, smiling at nagisa firstly and waving nicely, who returned that and proceeded to rush beside her into the classroom quickly. She moved her gaze to the red-headed boy, only slightly smiling at him.

"And? How are you feeling?"

"Good, actually. I'm still so honoured for the care you put towards me, princess!~" he dramatically sighed, making mina press his hand on his mouth to keep him from talking hectically.

"Will you shut up!?" She whisper-yelled, making some of her classmates look at them weirdly and others smile sheepishly. Karma, specifically, just smirked at that before she let go off his face again and sighed, deeply.

"Alright, alright, I won't say anything. But the painkillers you bought worked like magic. So, kudos." He rubbed his neck, looking away.
"Hey, wait, where's the blonde? Don't tell me she's sick too?" He laughed at the absurdity of the thought, thinking about how exhausted the girl in front of him would be taking care of two sick people back to back.

"I would literally jump off a bridge if that was the case, Akabane. She texted me she was going to be late today."

"Oh?" Karma smirked, holding his chin and titling is head as the class suddenly heard a loud scream as well as some fast steps on the wood.

"MINAAA!" The blonde ran quickly, holding her friend's shoulders as she arrived, almost making her stumble backwards.

"I need to show you guys something! Quick!" Rio waved her hands towards kaede and kanzaki, as well as some other girls. They formed a circle around her, curious what has happened.

"Rio, calm down. What happend?" Mina asked gently, bluntly blinking.

"Look at what Ritsu just showed me..." She looked mischievously as she slowly crept up her phone Infront of mina's face, squealing again as she revealed the picture, her face burning a little.
"Our second transfer student!" She managed to get out between holding her breath and giggling.

"He's tall, he has cool eyes and he's so, so muscular! Ritsu said he's the best killer here!" She cheered as mina slowly took her phone out of her hand, looking at it bluntly.

It was a boy, around their age. With hair lighter than nagisa and eyes darker than kurahashi's. He was standing and looking pretty monotone, wearing a red compression shirt and black pants. He also wore a yellow headband, but mina didn't really know why everyone was freaking out.

Some gasped, kataoka was just as sheepish as mina' and others squealed along.

Oh boy.

·★ ·

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