038: girl power against sexism & assassins

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THEY WERE WITHOUT karasuma, (and without Irina, still) with only koro-sensei to guide them. Which obviously meant that mina had do hold the attached bag up, while listening carefully herself.

"Okay, everyone, I know it might be scary without karasuma-sensei here to help us. But he told us that he will follow his as soon as he can stand up again, and i'm still here, so no worries!" Koro-sensei started his motivational speech, making mina smile softly.

"You're literally the size of an average boob right now, how the hell will you help us?" Terasaka nagged, taking over the role Maehara usually had.

Koro-sensei only grinned before continuing "do you remember how he told you that this was a hotel filled with snobby teenagers your age?" He asked, waiting only to receive some nods"well, I think this is just the tine for that. The next door leads to the partying floor, if I'm correct. So, loud music, alcohol, bright lights. Perfect distraction for what we're trying to do."

"Oh!" Kaede slapped her hands once "I get it! You want us to pretend we're party goers until we reach the stairs, we could knock out the body guards there too! With the loud music covering any sounds.."

"Precisely." Koro-sensei cut her off, "how do you guys think we should go about this?"

"Well, a group of guys is more suspicious than a group of girls.." nagisa mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows.

A silence took over the teenagers, and the first one to break it was terasaka once again.



Kimura and Yoshida held terasaka bound up, while karma was sitting Infront of him, mocking him to provocate as much as possible.

The girls of the group, however, made themselves ready to enter the loud club. With kataoka tying her hair up and mina giving koro-sensei to nagisa for the time being.

They weren't particularly scared, at least mina wasn't. She was more nervous than anything, contrary to terasaka's belief. Although excited to finally do something of importance.

"Alright, guys," she smiled at her friends, and nagisa, who was standing the nearest "are you all set?"

Kurahashi talked for all of them, closely followed by yada "sure are!"

Yada was also the one to open the door and slowly walk into the blue lighted room, signaling the others to follow her quietly.

Mina has never been to a party, and she had never seen it as such a big deal, but this was more intense than she thought. She didn't think she was a party type of person, and neither did the people who knew her, which ultimately turned out to be true. The loud music hurt in her ears (which,by the way, wasn't her genre of music at all. They could've surely put on some indie pop-rock, right?) and the floor was too slippery.
Perhaps it was that she didn't like overly anticipated parties. The ones her dad took her too were not as nerve-racking, but she still wasn't a fan. It was a bunch of rich people not doing anything but fakely chatting about nothing of any interest, in fancy clothes and fancy halls.

The one thing mina did like was how the people seemed to be enjoying themselves, laughing and dancing. She loved that.

"Kaede," mina suddenly heard a whisper, the quiet voice of nagisa, as they were about to exit. Kaede raised her eyebrows at him "Stay safe, please.- You too, mina." He smiled as he noticed how the brunette looked at him. Kaede seemed paralysed, shocked, and mina had to drag her along soon afterwards.

The brunette was about to thank her friend, even though she chuckled at him, as she saw karma approaching the group of friends. Incomplete by only Rio.

"Stay safe!-" he grinned before mocking his best friend by dramatically holding his forehead, doing the same with mina. He just found the scene too assuming.

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