015: cinema visit across the globe

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"OH, SEXY GUY it's a miracle!" The blonde teacher of 3-E pronounced slowly "having a conversation is easy. You guys probably know someone who just talks in "dude!" Or "man.." . There's also words like really."

She looked around the class, observing each and every student.
"Kimura, say really!"

The boy only brought out a quiet 'rea-ry' to which the blonde crossed her fingers to form an X.
"False! You need to pronounce your L's and R's, as well as differentiate between them. Japanese people don't speak them very well, huh?" She sighed before looking up.

"If you talk like this, I may understand you, but it will definitely sound weird."

Irina explained as she looked around the classroom again.
The blonde woman really warmed up with her students at this point, and they started to like her too. She maybe wasn't the best teacher with a degree and everything, but she spoke English pretty well. Even when mina and karma were the only ones really understanding everything she was saying, and thus resulted in blushing furiously (mina) or laughing at every second sentence (karma), her lessons were really useful in some tense or another.

"You all need to practice your L's and R's, definitely. I will look at your pronunciation more from now on, understood?" She ended the lesson with a big, mischievous, smile.


The woman was walking into the hallway during break time, seemingly annoyed with Their octopus teacher after she had shouted at him for staring at her cleavage. She mumbled some insults under her breath before suddenly a tight rope catched her, making her hang from the roof and gasp for air while trying to escape the snake-tight fabric.

A man in black came out of the shadow, revealing to be handling the rope and talking in multiple foreign languages to her before letting her fall down, ultimately escaping the hang.
Karasuma also stepped out into the hallway, crossing his arms before the man.

"Is that how you treat a lady? Who are you? Do you even understand what I'm saying?" He spoke in broken English, glaring at the man before he let his guard down.

"We can speak in Japanese, I'm not foreign. Don't worry, I teached her how to escape a trick like that." The dark voice spoke "I'm lovro. Does that ring any bells?"

Karasuma eyes widen as he steps back.

"So where's that octopus, anyway?" The dark haired man asks, looking into the abyss.

"He's in Shanghai, eating ice scream. Well, he left about thirty minutes ago so he should be here soon." Karasuma explained, quickly glancing towards his blonde colleague to see how she was doing.

"Alright. I'm here now, so I can make a decision. Irina, quit. You aren't fitting for this job." He stated slowly, walking towards his student to grab her wrist tightly. Irina's blue eyes widened, unable to bring out real words. Karasuma was about to interrupt when the window flew open.

"That's only half true!" A yellow octopus separated the two, smiling cheerfully.

"What do you want here, ultra quiz?"

"Hey, Karasuma-sensei! Don't be so mean, call me by my name finally," he frowned before continuing "it's true, Irina is a terrible killer. But she's a perfect killer for this class nevertheless. I know something! Why don't you two compare yourself in a contest to see who's the better killer?" He cheerfully clapped his hands as he finished, making all three adults look at him confused.

"It's a duel. Whoever kills karasuma-sensei first wins!" He explained with a joyful expression.

"Hey! Why am I the target?"

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