016: cute bikinis

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RIO'S EYES SHINED with excitement as hori Hayashi opened her the door that day. The blonde girl squealed, making the older woman raise her eyebrows a little.

"Ms. Hayashi! I'm so, so excited! Thank you so much for taking us!" The girl shouted as hori moved to the side to make her room to come in.

"We had that, Rio, honey. Call me hori, alright?" The woman stated, sipping on her coffee while having a amused face.

"Yes, hori! Ooh, where's mina?" Rio spinned, coming to a hold next to the couch.

"You really like shopping, huh?" Hori chuckled as her daughter came walking down the stairs, already having heard her friend and her mother chat excitedly.

Mina wore a dark blue mini skirt out of jeans with a light pink babydoll top (that could almost count as a very short dress, and covered the jeans skirt a bit), mainly because of the spring weather in Tokyo that time of the year. Her blonde friend wore her favourite dark blue, tight, cropped shirt and some gray pair of jeans. The girls (one more, one less) were definitely ready to go on a shopping spree with hori in the joy enforcing spring sun.

"You look gorgeous!" The blonde jumped on top of her friend, making her stumble back a bit.

Mina held on just as tight, making sure Rio didn't fell while chuckling. "Well, thank you, Rio. You too."

Hori smiled at her daughter and her friend. During mina's time in 3-A, the only real friend she had was gakushu, and he was pretty busy oftentimes and didn't come over too often. Thus, seeing her only, beloved, daughter bond with her first girlfriend was an astonishing feeling as a mother.

The woman grabbed her red leather jacket from the kitchen stool as well as her purse, turned towards the two girls and winked before opening the door.
"Alright ladies, out the door!"

"So, what exactly is our plan..?" The brunette sheepishly asked as her mother went through a few shirts and Rio tried on various sunglasses.

"Well, we're shopping for the summer break, obviously! Isn't that obvious?"

"Kind of.. but I already have clothes, mom." the girl smiled at her mother, making her immediately come over and shake her head.

"Oh no, no, no mina. You can never have too many clothes! that was your father's motto whenever he took me to the shops in Paris or Strasbourg." The woman gently held her daughter's face, smiling as she tore mina out of reality.

She hadn't seen her father in a long time.
Theodore Dupont was a man rich of knowledge and love for his family. Mina had only core memories of him, as he was, even when him and her mother were still married, a pretty busy guy. He travelled across the globe, some might call him a diplomat. Anyhow, describing what her father's job is was difficult.
He proof read official papers, was dealing with tough policy and worked with politicians and ministers.

Even though he travelled merely everywhere, Richard didn't seem to occur to visit his daughter since her eleventh birthday.
He divorced her mom weeks before she turned nine, he told them that he needed to pass as a single man for a while because of a job.

They never got back together.

Hori keeps telling mina amazing, romantic stories of her parents. But she found them hard to believe when her mother worked and worked to feed both of them without a dime by her ex-husband.
Still, hori seemed fond of them, weirdly enough. And mina didn't ask.

"Hey, mina! What about this?" The blond held up a light purple bikini "do you think this would fit me?"

"sorry- are we going swimming?" The brunette curiously asked as her mother chimed in.

"I think navy and beige fit you better, do you not? But, I mean, it's cute nevertheless. Try it on." The tall woman ranted, making Rio leave for one of the dressing rooms, smiling at her daughter before wiggling her eyebrows.

"And what?" The girl smiled back with an amused face, going through some clothes on a rag.

"And what is your hot swim attire gonna be? I bet you guys will go swim somewhere AT LEAST once during this summer."

"Hot swm- ma, what?" The girl chuckled, unbelieving of her mother. "I have the school's bathing suit, mom. That's enough, trust me." Mina smiled before moving down a couple of rags.

Hori, shocked, quickly followed her, blocking her way. "That's not enough! Didn't you listen to what I just said?" She argued and shushed mina before she could speak "there's never enough clothes, honey. I want you to go look and find a cute bathing suit to accompany your adorable eyes, alright?" She winked, making her daughter shake her head before sighing.

"Guys! Look who I found!" Rio ran towards the Duo, wearing the purple bikini from earlier.

Mina smiled at her friend, clapping her hands once or twice.
"Looks great, Rio."

"Okay you're so sweet I want to kiss you right now BUT that's not my point," she ranted before stepping aside, revealing another significant blonde, Irina-sensei "Tadaa!"

Irina was wearing a short, orange dress with flowers at the end. She wore a white hat with a black ribbon and black heels that made her around 5 centimetres taller.
She was scoffing at Rio for dragging her along before noticing mina and her mother. She looked taken back, eyed widening as a light blush on her cheeks.

"Uh, hello Irina-sensei," mina smiled sheepishly before noticing her mother's curiosity "oh, mom? This is Irina-sensei, my English teacher. Irina-sensei, this is my mom." She quickly greeted them, anxious to wait for their interaction.

"English..?" Hori mumbled slowly before running towards the blonde woman, shaking her hand excitedly and smiling sweetly.
"Ah! Mina is great at English, miss Irina! Have you seen her essay about class in America yet?"

The woman stumbled back, shaking her hand off the woman's. "Mina! Take your weird mom off me!"

>> Author's note
Filler :)

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