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TRIGGER WARNING: There are mentions of suicide, swear words, and parent abuse in this story!

The sensation of running tickles trailed to my neck down to my stomach, where his cold hands grasped my waist. His eyes scanned my reactions as the gap between us grew with closure. The man's words grazed my neck as if it fell like feathers onto my skin, but the tension was stronger than his words.

"Aria... I love you so much." Romeo's words lingered into my mind.

Salvaging those words, I chuckled at him, "Everything's over now."

"Over?" He backed away.

I blinked in shock of his stern voice, then at the sight of the world below me. The dreamy and happy ending disappeared in my delusion. The sounds of the cars beeping, then the wind whistling through the skies, and the small chatters from the citizens that were louder than my thoughts rang back into my head. Reality was what hit me.

My arms stretched out like wings, feeling the soft breeze brush through and between my fingertips. I felt like I owned the world with both my feet standing at the edge of the tallest building in France. All I was missing was his champagne in my hand.

The same man I was spacing out about finally spoke a word behind me, "Aria, I love you."

Pft! It was ironic that he said the exact, same words. This time the words were not as sensual nor soft like feathers, it was hard-hitting like rocks being thrown to my back. What was this strange feeling? It was like hatred poisoned me.

"Don't ignore me."

"I'm not."

"Then why are you like this, Aria?"

"This is me," I said his name but it felt like I said something forbidden, "... This is what I call peace, you don't get it, do you?"

His words broke apart as the wind got harsh, "Don't fuck around at a time like this. I need you. You don't fucking understand how painful this is to me to see you like this."

"I know it's been a while since we last saw each other and it's surprising, for sure, but... Friendships don't last forever, same with relationships, or family. Nothing lasts forever in our world, not even you," my throat got tighter as my emotions started to arise, "Here's a toast to our small reunion."

"Please listen to me-"

I formed an imaginary glass in my hand, facing him. He looked more hurt than I thought, even with me playing pretend. I lowered my hands as I saw his pain, "Why are you..."

The saddened man folded his hands onto his face, "Don't leave me."

"I don't understand what you're saying..." Confusion distracted my emotional thoughts, "Hey, it's alright. I'll see you again some day-"

"No... Please get down from there." His knees feel weak to the ground. The loudness disappeared from the area as silence filled our surroundings again. The wind brushed me for the second time.

"Pour me a glass of that," noticing the bottle in his hand, "Didn't I mention a toast?"

"At a time like this-"

"Come on."

He popped the bottle open and threw it towards me, "I honestly don't get you, Aria."

"Doesn't this remind you of my debut party? The beautiful chandeliers, then the dancing gentlemen with their beautiful ladies under the starry night, oh, and the amazing glories of food upon the tables-"
"Nothing like this reminds me of that." The man's eyes darkened, "Tell me your objective."

"I just want to see him again. But it's all hopeless now."

"... You can't do this!"

"Nothing's impossible if you put your mind onto it."

"This is different!"

I cupped my hand and poured a splatter of champagne into it, "I'll tell you my toast or what you call it, the objective you're looking for."

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