Chapter 10: Him, Part 3

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It was the morning of the competition day, and I was super pumped up! I already had out one of my best outfits to be worn, right on my hanger on the door. It was a beautiful pink ruffle skirt paired with a white collared long-sleeve top, and would be worn with diamond accessories. My make-up was finished in the last hour and I felt ready as ever after this whole makeover.

Mom and Elias were already out, I assumed, but his door wasn't open. Ethan's words still lurked in the back of my mind, to talk to Elias about my real feelings about everything and to mention how to escape from it all. I quickly wore the outfit and went out of my room to find that his door was still closed.

"Elias?" I knocked on his door.



He finally spoke, "It's nothing, sorry about that. I just dropped something."

"Oh, phew. I haven't heard from you for so long, what's-" He opened the door and I was flabbergasted by his amazing appearance, "-Up...?"

Elias' white smile beamed towards me, "Today is the grand day for the both of us, come in!"

"You seem excited. You should've told me you were dressing up." I walked into his room, noticing how clean it became. "What the-"

"I did have trouble picking a suit. What's your take on the outfit, fashion queen?"

I chuckled at his comment, "Pft! Well..."

With a closer look, his suit was a beautiful navy blue suit with thin white glitter stripes going vertically down the fabric. I looked down at his shoes, which were very expensive Chanel dress shoes that were coated with a bright shine. His black hair was swept back with a few strands of hair poking out so gracefully and had revealed bright diamond studs he had on his ear.

Then my eyes went down to his face, and he still looked the same as before but there was an eerie feeling about the look in his eyes. It wasn't just an empty stare, more like he was a corpse or maybe he just gave off mannequin vibes... I wasn't sure.


I nodded with a chuckle, "Uh... Yeah, you dressed great today- Surprisingly!"

He ruffled my hair, "Oh, you brat!"

"I just did my hair!" I pushed him back jokingly.

He smiled as he sprayed a little bit of expensive men's perfume on his neck, "Are you confident about winning?"

"Of course I'll win, well, I'm definitely going to place with Ethan for the Top 10 award category."

"I see. I see."

"What about you?"

Elias placed down the bottle and turned around with his arms crossed, "I'll be taking the first place throne, obviously. I haven't met anyone that shares the same skill as me, or even better."

"Cocky much?"

His eyes rolled, "Nope!"

"Just you wait in a few years, I'll ruin that precious ego of yours! Haha!"

"Bahaha! Delusional, much?"

I laughed, "Whatever~"

"Anywho, get ready. I'm going to start the car now." He popped out his car keys from one of the drawers.

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