Chapter 28: Second Place

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Romeo's father walked in, making eye-contact with me as I was sitting down at the front of the courtroom. He appeared intimidating with his black pure eyes in his all dressed black formal attire. His feet slowly glided over to his front row seats, staring right at his son for a moment. Romeo was on the same side as me but more near the podiums. He was heavily being monitored by security guards and his hand-cuffs never left his arms.

Romeo's father sat near me, but still far enough to tell there was a clear barrier between us. He gave a subtle stare, "Hullo."

The Korean accent was strong, anyone could tell. He flew all the way from Korea to France, which was sad because of his own successful son being framed for being a murderer. The elderly man looked extremely exhausted too, with his deep eye-bags and the sickening frown on his face. His voice was more hoarse than expected too. With an immediate bow to him I greeted, "Hi. You must be Mr. Silva?"

He gave a nod with a small smile, "I am Kim. Mr. Silva sounds too formal. I heard a lot from you, from my son."

Kim's straight-face made me overthink if he was just being friendly or on the guard. They looked similar in terms of looks, because they both gave off that attractive mysterious vibe. I replied with a sad look into his eyes, "I want to speak to you properly after all this, because I haven't gotten a chance to at all. I don't want this to be your first impression of me, Mr- Kim."

"It's okay." His sentences were short. I guess it was because of his lack of fluency in English. "Talk later. I am very, very tired."

I nodded.

Then my dad arrived, immediately sitting next to Kim. The Korean father gave a look and a simple smile. "Hello, sir."

He handshaked with him after placing his jacket on the chair, "Hi. You must be?"

"I am Kim. Romeo's father. You?"

"I am Aria's dad. You may call me Nick or Mr. Aldine." He smiled at him, "You look like a tough man, nice jacket!"

Kim broke his stagnant smile into a big grin, "Heh, gamsahabnida. I got it um, I forgot name! But from Seoul, the Korean city!"

"Very nice!" Dad looked towards me, "Don't be too nervous, kiddo. You're off the loose, you just need to say the right words."

"I will." I was determined, "Romeo will leave this place without a sentence. He'll be freed."

Kim smiled, even if he didn't understand a word I said. "Ye."

The rest of the staff and participants walked into the courtroom after a good ten minutes. They were getting into their positions, ready for the case to commence. I saw Louisse and Cleo walk in together with a strong presence.

Louisse took off her glasses and gave a word to her before leaving to the other side, "I wish you luck, Ms Park."

"Same to you, Ms Viro. It's been a while since we ever went against each other." Cleo smirked at her, "But this time, I'll be the one talking the most and taking the win with me."

"Sure." Her glare was subtle, "I fear you that won't happen. I'm confident as ever."

She chuckled at that, "Let's see about that."

"Pft, yeah, good luck." She walked away with her files.

Cleo whispered under her breath as she walked over to our side, "Won't need it." She sat down at her seat between me and Ethan, "Good morning to all of you."

"Hello." I smiled at the sight of her.

"Are you ready?" Ethan got off his phone.

She grinned as she saw Kenzo walk into the room, "Ready as ever. Show time is about to start once he sits down."

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