Chapter 1: Unsettlement

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The violin strings finally broke off as I completely snapped the second place prize onto the floor. Second place was not a true prize.

The cracks perished into pieces of expensive maplewood. My hands bled red and shivered with excruciating pain. I picked up one of the pieces and crushed it into my already hurt hand. There was no such thing as perfection, but to them, I fell down first to my enemy with a mistake. 'Mistakes help you grow as a person ' my ass, it just gave a sweet opening to vulnerability.

My hands were my only prize.

I ignored the mess on the floor, and cleaned myself up. With my expertise in playing the piano, flute, clarinet, cello, and the violin, I deserved to call myself a star. I looked at the time and realized it was a bit too early. Sitting down, I stared at the pieces on the floor. "I'll clean that up when guests come over."

The phone rings throughout the apartment. I reached for the cell and picked up with a monotone impression. "What?"

"Aria, you must come to the award show."

My eyes rolled, "I told you Alec, I'm not coming to a show full of fake bit-"

"Before you continue, I have gotten confirmation Romeo will be there." My manager, Alec interrupted.

I hesitated then exhaled out, "When is it happening?"

She replied, "Be out of your building by 6. And make sure to wear something bright."

Replied with a scoff, "Do you think I wear bright colors?"

"... Aria, please. You need to be the star of tonight. Be expected to give a lot of speeches tonight."

I groaned out of frustration, "Okay. I'll see you."

"Thanks, Aria."

I slammed the phone down and grasped the roots of my hair in frustration. I only agreed because he's coming, Romeo Silva. He was known to be the best piano player in history and outperformed many prodigies across the world and that's why I loved him.

And he was the only person to strike up my passion for music because his exceptional talent proved to me I can do that too.

And the final reason, I liked him.

Although he never noticed me, I noticed everything about him which made me feel a deeper appreciation for his music.

Someday, I'll find the courage to talk to him.

"Oh right!" I got up and quickly ran to my room, "Got to pick out an eye-catching outfit."


"And that's the last box, thank you." Ethan held the door back and smiled.

The helper gave him a smirk, "Enjoy your new apartment."

"Gladly appreciate your help-"

"Before I go! Can you give me your autograph for my daughter? You have incredible music!"

He laughed and signed the papers for him then said his goodbyes.

Ethan closed the door shut and sighed out of tiredness. He put down his violin case on the floor and admired the cleanness of his new apartment. Randomly, he heard a loud noise from the next door neighbor.

"What the hell was that?" He stared at his left wall, and raised his brow.

Nevermind that, he got himself to the hallways to his living room full of boxes. Then his hands landed towards a box labeled For Neighbors, and then unraveled many gifts. Most were baked goods since he loved to bake. After a good twenty minutes, he finally took the courage to head to the next door.

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