Chapter 8: Him, Part 1

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December 21st, 2009.

A date that used to be nothing to me. A month that was once full of Christmas spirit and excitement for the following year to me. The year that was about to hit double-digits was a big thing back then. In spite of all that, I dreaded the month the date was in. Day by day I wanted it to never be in the grasp of my hands or be in my mind ever again.

The solitude feeling that tormented my health, the terrible coldness it brought, and the look on his face that made me tearful. His facade smile, his eyes full of nothingness, and his name. I never asked to be reminded of him.

But, it was inevitable.

The cold wind woke me up as I was standing still in place, looking at the tombstone. The portrait was dusty and a bit foggy. I bowed down to the grave and placed down the delicate bouquet of white lilies. My eyes were glued on the tombstone, staring into the words that were engraved into it. How many years has it been, for you to be buried under me?

Elias Aldine

The Music of His Soul

Beloved Son, Musician, and Star

March 2, 1991 - December 21, 2009

La Musique De Son âme

Fils Bien-aimé, Musicien et Star

2 hours.

I timed myself again. My feet were glued to the stone ground, my eyes were on him, and I was the only one in this area. Usually, I would have music playing in my head to cope but seeing his grave was an overload of destruction to be able to listen. I closed my eyes to the thoughts of him again.

Nostalgia was not a great feeling right this time, and it will never be.

10 Years Ago...


My eyes opened to the sight of a chalkboard. Full of lengthy math equations and terrible handwriting from the math teacher. There were sleeping students and others who chatted away. I looked beside me and saw my close friend drawing. "Jaime... What are you drawing?"

She paused and replied, "Just drawing some fashion ideas. Wanna see?"

"Oh! Yes, please!" I stood up and held her sketchbook to my face. "Wow! This is super good! You should become a fashion designer- I would wear this!"

"Oh, nah! It's just a hobby." She took it back from me and laughed, "Don't forget we live in a city full of musicians, Aria."

I sat back down in confusion, "Huh? You're going to do music?"

"Yeah. That's why I'm enrolled in this highschool!" She face-palmed, "Aren't you here to do music like your brother?"

"Uh, not really." I shrugged with a sigh, "I'm nothing like my brother, so why should I?"

Jaime crossed her arms, "You should! In the future, you can show off yourself and your brother! You two are incredible."

"But I hate it." I replied with uncertainty, "I don't get the big deal with this bullcrap anyways."

She gasped offended, "O-M-G! You need to step outside and explore music someday. You'll see the beauty in it."

"Hmph." I leaned into my arms. "Last time you said you felt a spark when you played the guitar, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Jaime continued to draw.

"What if I get no sparks?" I turned my head over to her, "Am I just useless then?"

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