Chapter 2: Remembering Him

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I was about to get up until I met my eyes with a man wearing a sparkling maroon jacket.

"Am I late?" Ethan shuffled in a seat and glanced at me.

    For some reason, I felt relieved. My hands settled down on my lap and then I replied with a smile, "You only missed the introduction."

    He fixed his tie and nodded, "Okay, that's great."

    I looked back at my glass of rose champagne and enjoyed the silence we shared. The feeling of loneliness went away as he came. But, was I really going to sit here for another two hours?

    "You look excited." He spoke as he took a sip of his water.

    "... Cheers to you too." I replied, smirking slightly.

    He chuckled and leaned on his arm, "I have this weird feeling whenever we're together during these shows."

    "I guess we share something similar, for once."

    "You too?"

    Maybe he was like me. I replied as I placed down the glass, "Would you like to go out for some air?"

    He looked back at the stage then at me, "I think I'll just stay here."

    "I see." Feeling the disappointment impacting my already terrible mental state, I decided to get up and go to the backdoor for some air.


It was cold. I placed my hands on the balcony, feeling the sensation of cold chills pass through my body. I breathed out, watching the air escape from my mouth in the cold autumn atmosphere. My eyes closed, imagining the sounds of piano shifting through my ears. It played a sad and emotional tune, almost similar to one of my brother's songs. The sound of people talking faded throughout my mind and sunken the melody in my made-up piano tune. I suddenly felt my mind empty out, like it was a foreshadowing motive to my passion for music.

My eyes watered the more I thought about Elias. And the pressure. Or maybe it was the fear of failure. I threw my face into my hands and breathed. My tears were squashed into my skin. I exhaled out and opened my eyes to the pitch darkness from the scenery.

I should call her.

"Hello? Alec speaking."

    "I..." I sighed and leaned on the balcony. "I can't do this."

    Alec paused and then spoke, "I believe you can. It's been six months, you have recovered."

    My words juggled through my broken voice, "They're all looking at me with that look, judging, and probably think I was the reason he-"


    I sighed again. "I'm sorry, I just-"

    "You will never be the reason Elias died. He treasured and loved you. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't have made it so far."

    "... Yeah." My voice got softer and the tears came falling out again.

    She continued to say, "You can do this. Remember your name. Hm?"

    "Aria Aldine."

    "Good." She reassured me, "I promise you everything will pass. Just sit through it and pay attention, you might actually like it like you did before."

    "You're right, Alec. Thank you-"

    "Don't lie to me." She interrupted.

    "Not this time, no." I chuckled and then continued, "I will try this time."

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