Chapter 19: A Different Side of Him

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"What do you want?" Kenzo glared at him.

He sighed then crossed his arms at him. It seemed like they didn't get along anymore. "What's with your attitude recently? I think you're being mistaken right now with the way you're acting towards me these past days."

"I found out you were involved in this whole situation." He pushed him back with anger, "You can't defend yourself anymore. Did you have fun messing around with me?"

"What did you even find out?" Romeo tapped his foot against the ground and chuckled, "-That Elias and I were just more than strangers? Spill it, because I don't understand this false accusation."

"You fucking killed him." Kenzo calmed down, "The date, the timing, everything matches up. You and your little smart moves. They won't work on me anymore."

He still didn't give up, "Who did you hear this from?"

"It's none of your business anyways. Once Aria and Ethan find out, you're fucking done!"

"Kenzo... You need to get your head straight. I don't know a single thing about what happened five or ten years ago." The man frustratedly sighed, "Do you believe propaganda more than your friend for ten years?"

Kenzo remained silent. He gripped the roots of his hair in confusion, "I don't fucking know anymore! This woman, Louisse, keeps telling me you've done it."

"... Louisse? Who is that?"

"She works with law. I got in touch with her because of my parents, they're tough business owners." He continued after texting the number to our phones, "You should go."

"Why? Shouldn't I clear up this misunderstanding with you?"

He shook his head, "I'll remain undecided for now. You're not safe, Romeo. That woman is onto you."

"I'll find out and speak to her myself."

"Sorry for acting out, by the way. I'm just fed up with my regrets with my dead friend. And I'm dying to know who did it after all these years."

Romeo patted his back, "No, it's okay. It's understandable why you're acting this way. It's been way too long, yet they couldn't find the culprits of his death. I'm also shocked he didn't do it himself."

"Yeah, thanks."


The sight of the Snickers bar made my heart race again. Just like it did when I opened the other one, creating bad reminders of what happened with him. My hands shook out of fear when I let the thoughts register again. Crap, not again! I couldn't stop it!

"Do you want me to do it?" Ethan held my hands together, stopping them from shaking. He noticed too quickly that I was having trouble. Thankfully.

"Oh, yes please." I handed it over to him, breathing out.

Man, this was too much in one day. I also forgot that I needed to talk to Romeo about all of this, because he must be really confused.

He slowly unraveled the wrapping of the chocolate bar, being extra careful. As he opened it halfway, the note dropped into his other hand. He gave it to me.

"I hope this isn't bad." Ethan gulped. He placed the chocolate down and clasped his face stressfully.

"Yeah." I opened the note. It read:

"Kenzo, I lied about confessing to the girl. I just wanted you to be happy with music again, and it worked. I'm so happy it worked! And I bet we won that competition!

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