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I grumbled as I woke up, the sun streaming right into my eyes

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I grumbled as I woke up, the sun streaming right into my eyes

"You have you be kidding me right now." I told Kaitlyn, as she threw something at my head.

At least it was Friday. My first week of Roseville Highschool was almost over.

And I could get my own clothes, I would have to pay Kaitlyn back for them later though, when I actually had money.

I put on a hoodie and some cycling shorts, it was too early to deal with choosing a "fashionable" outfit.

It was comfy so I didn't care.

I didn't care that the girls began to spread rumors about me.

I didn't care that boys kept looking at me like I was a piece of meat that they wanted to eat, as if they had been starving in the desert for years.

I cared that I got away.

I cared that I had my best friend by my side through it all.

I cared that I made new friends.

Even if they didn't understand what I had been through, even if they didn't know about my dad. They were there.

I always had someone to talk to.

We were a friend group, since the first day. Me, Kaitlyn, Jordan, Aiden and Carter.

Carter was a little shit who still hated me. I still hated him but we got on with it.

Yes, we couldn't have a conversation without him punching something, yes I was purposefully annoying to him but I didn't care.

We would never be friends.

But I always wanted to ask him who hurt him. I know something happened, Jordan made a quick comment about it on the way to history a few days ago.

I was grumbling about something Carter had done, again. He was always getting on my last nerve and I wanted to punch his face in.
"What's Carter's problem?" I asked Jordan.
"He doesn't trust anyone that even tries to be his friend, or more." was all he said back.
"Why?" I probably shouldn't have asked that.
"Someone used him for their own gain. But it wasn't the usual type of stuff...it was different...worse." he realised what he said to me.
"Don't tell Carter I told you."

I was nosy, ok? I wanted to ask what happened, I wanted to know. I had a need to know for no reason.

So when I woke up, I decided to try to be nice. Even if he was a scumbag, I tried to be nice and not annoying.


That plan was out the window five minutes into the school day.

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