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mentions attempted suicide for a small paragraph, I'll put stars around it, just in case you want to skip it :)


"Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" Aiden shouted into my ear, poking my cheek repeatedly.

How nice of him.

I grumbled some sort of nonsense, turning over and closing my eyes again. I didn't like to get woken up, especially before 10.

"Carterrrrrr." I heard Aiden whine, as footsteps began to appear. "Tell your girlfriend to wake upppp. It's Christmas, for God's sake."

I felt an arm wrap around my waist, a minty kiss placed softly on my forehead. I felt someone laying next to me, wrapping his arms around me as he put his head in my neck with a grin.

"Mmm..." he mumbled, closing his eyes as well, both of our breathing matching up with each other's.

I heard Aiden storming out, like a toddler, muttering about how Christmas was completely ruined.

He ran back into the room, a water gun held in his hand as he began to shoot us both with it. I hid under Carter, as his back got soaked, and so did my bed.

"Keep doing that and I'll punch you." Carter grumbled, sitting up, but still blocking me from the water.

"Pleasee get up. It's Christmas! Please please please please please ple-"

"Ok, ok." I sat up, rubbing my eyes and running a hand through my hair.

I wriggled from Carter's grip, getting up and walking to his room. He had all my clothes in there, along with my makeup and everything. There was no point in keeping everything in the bathroom, and he had tons of space in his wardrobe.

I grabbed dark green flared trousers and a baggy, maroon, silk t shirt, with long sleeves. I gave myself a dark red lip, with dark green eyeliner to complete the look. My black boots sat in the corner of the room, for if we had to go out.

I had never had a Christmas jumper in my life, so I had to make do with what I had. All thanks went to the boys, they took me shopping and bought stuff for me, their parents (who were all quite rich) giving them money once in a while.

I did tell them I would pay them back, but I hadn't got a job yet and no one seemed to be open for one, so there was near no chance.

I grabbed the present I wrapped for Jordan, making me way downstairs, where I was met with them all sitting around the small tree.

They were all dressed, and chatting whilst they waited for me, I tried to be quick but trying to get eyeliner perfectly symmetrical is a challenge on its own.

Carter gazed at me longingly as I made my way over to him, there were no more spaces on the sofa, so I sat in between his legs, my back to the base of the sofa.

Aiden looked at me from across the room, a grin brightening on his face.

"Present time!" he shouted, gleefully. "Astrid, so the way we do Christmas is...presents, food, go ice skating and then we all go out for dinner somewhere." he informed me, with a serious expression on his face.

I smiled at him, attempting to not laugh, because of how serious he was about Christmas.

We all put the gifts in the middle, moving them around and closing our eyes, so we couldn't see who would go first. Aiden opened his eyes, and looked at the present that was wrapped neat...ish.

"It says...Carter." he announced, with a dramatic pause and passing it to him gently.

He opened it, very slowly, just to piss off Aiden. The present was from Jordan, and  was a Queen vinyl, to add to Carter's slowly growing collection and some more rings, because he had mentioned in passing ages ago that he wanted more.

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